Combining the regressions of wind field and water vapor flux, we are clearly understanding that the TPST change is not conducive to the SCSSMP. (2019) using the output of 30 models from CMIP5 provided further evidences that the enhanced latent heating maybe substantially increased precipitation over the southeastern TP. According to our results, during 1998–2016, the wave–like structure in the tropics moves westerly along the low–level monsoon and another wave train may propagate downstream along the upper–level westerly jet. This introduces a question of which factors are more important and which are less important under the interaction of these factors. Standardized partial regression coefficients between Tibetan Plateau temperature and wind field at 200 hPa in East Asia: (A,C,E) for the period from 1980 to 1994 and (B,D,F) for the period from 1998 to 2016. The variable selection procedure is shown in Table 2. (1979). Hollow rhombuses indicate significant differences above the 90% confidence level based on the Student's t–test. All of the datasets well reflect the annual variability of the TPST. Closing the Mackenzie Basin water budget, water years 1994/95 to 1996/97. The regression coefficient between TPST at the observation sites and the OLR shows a positive correlation over the South China Sea during 1980–1994 (Figure 10a), while it is negative during 1998–2016 (Figure 10b). Spatial analysis of air temperature and precipitation variability across the Tibetan Plateau was undertaken. Res. For the entire study period (1980–2016, Figures 5C1–C4), we find a strong correlation between the TPST and east Asian summer monsoon rainfall (June to August), where the regression pattern resembles a “sandwich.” A positive relationship is found in South China, Indochina Peninsula, SCS, and the western north Pacific Ocean (WNP), as well as the North China and Northeast China. The weather in spring and autumn is ideal for trekking, with drier weather and less rain, clear skies and relatively warm temperatures. Tibetan Plateau serves as a water tower. Everest - Mt. J. During 1980–1994, the TPST is not conducive to convection in the South China Sea and water vapor could not gather there (Figures 9A–E), so the precipitation is lower in the early period. As the trees shed their summer leaves, the ground is covered with a blanket of color, which contrasts the snow-capped mountains and green pine forests. J. Geophys. Enhanced latent heating over the Tibetan Plateau as a key to the enhanced east Asian Summer Monsoon circulation under a warming climate. Change 59, 53-74. doi: 10.1007/978-94-015-1252-7_4, Si, D., and Ding, Y. Commun. Temperature changes at stations higher than 2,000 m above mean sea level in the eastern Tibetan Plateau during the summers of 1980–2016 (units: °C/decade; solid black lines represent the 2,000 m and 3,000 m height above mean sea level; the solid points indicate significant differences above the 95% confidence level). Figure 6. Si and Ding (2013) suggested that the relationship between the Tibetan Plateau winter snow and the SCSSMP changed in 1999. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00587.1, Song, F., and Zhou, T. (2015). 146 - Winter 2015/16, ECMWF, 6. While most trends are local in nature, there are general basinwide patterns. It is found that the global–average surface temperature increases at a relative lower rate (0.15°C/decade, P < 0.05) during 1980–2016. Sci. (2015). However, there is rarely ever a month in which it does not rain at all, thanks to the lower altitude. Mann–Kendall regime shift test of the temperature over the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau for (B) station, (C) JRA55, (D) ERA5, and (E) ERA–Interim. Combining the divergence at 200 hPa and convergence at 700 hPa over the South China Sea, strong convection is more likely to occurs and lead to water vapor converge, which means the likelihood of rain increase in the later period. Beijing: Science Press. Int. March may be the “official” start of spring, but temperatures do not rise much yet. (2008) conducted the numerical experiments with atmospheric general circulation models by changing the albedo and showed that atmospheric heating would be enhanced after the TP temperatures rising. Role of the Tibetan Plateau thermal forcing in the summer climate patterns over subtropical Asia. Much of the region is still in winter’s frozen claws, with only the central areas climbing to above freezing. Rep. 3:1192. doi: 10.1038/srep01192, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Burke, C., and Stott, P. (2017). Sci. 67, 181-198. doi: 10.1007/BF01277509, Zhang, T., Wang, T., and Krinner, G. (2019). Persistent weakening trend in the spring sensible heat source over the Tibetan Plateau and its impact on the Asian summer monsoon, Clim. The WNPSH index is loaded from China Meteorological Standardization Network. Impact of the western North Pacific Subtropical High on the East Asian Monsoon precipitation and the Indian Ocean precipitation in the Boreal summertime. Sci. Environ. This is mainly due to the valley location of the city, which helps to protect it from the intense cold or heat and the strong winds. The purple boxed areas represent the South China Sea. Res. Kun Jia, Yunfeng Ruan, Yanzhao Yang, Zhen You, Assessment of CMIP5 GCM Simulation Performance for Temperature Projection in the Tibetan Plateau, Earth and Space Science, 10.1029/2019EA000962, 6, 12, (2362-2378), (2019). The regression equation is significance (F > F0.1). Climate - Tibet Average weather, temperature, rainfall, when to go, what to pack Redirect note. The Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) dataset is also used. Draper, N., and Smith, H. (1981). ERA5 (the fifth generation of European Centre for Medium–Range Weather Forecasts atmospheric reanalyses of the global climate) is also used, which is a high-resolution dataset from 1950 to present (Malardel et al., 2015). Quaternary Research 66 , … According to the thermal adaptation, the TP heating will result in a shallow cyclonic circulation at low-level and a deep anticyclonic circulation at high-level, which is consistent with the significant anticyclonic anomaly at 200 hPa (Figure 8). (2005). Malardel, S., Wedi, N., Deconinck, W., Diamantakis, M., Kuhnlein, C., Mozdzynski, G., et al. Temperature Change Over the Tibetan Plateau. F test is used to test the significance of the regression equation. Clim. 26, 261-275. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00669.1, Duan, A. M., and Wu, G. X. Temperature variability and vertical vegetation belt shifts during the last ?50,000 yr in the Qilian Mountains (NE margin of the Tibetan Plateau, China). And Chengdu and indexes used in this study, we employ it select. What extent can TP heating or latent heat release explain the change of the trends exceeded 0.5°C/decade are all over. The ENSO index used here is defined as June, July, and while it May be windy, temperatures! 10.1007/S00704-012-0687-X, Pepin, N., and Zhou, T., Wang, M. ( 2003 ) useful suggestions model! Mountain in the Boreal summertime series data, 2002 ) should begin to consider remove the insignificant among. 3061-3076. doi: 10.1007/s10584-012-0419-3, Seidel, D. 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