is a scalar density of weight 1, and is a scalar density of weight w. (Note that is a density of weight 1, where is the determinant of the metric. (4), we can now compute the covariant derivative of a dual vector eld W . In particular, common notation for the covariant derivative is to use a semi-colon (;) in front of the index with respect to which the covariant derivative is being taken (β in this case) Covariant differentiation for a covariant vector. There is a nice geometric interpretation of this covariant derivative, which we shall discuss later. As one more example we consider the Lie derivative of a type (1,1) tensor Example 2.1. Covariant Derivative. is the metric, and are the Christoffel symbols.. is the covariant derivative, and is the partial derivative with respect to .. is a scalar, is a contravariant vector, and is a covariant vector. Morally speaking, the covariate derivative of an inner product of vector fields should obey some kind of product rule relating it to the covariate derivatives of the vector fields. This is the contraction of the tensor eld T V W . For now, because of this \covariance" property of Dwe have that the Lagrangian and current are gauge invariant. For example, we know that: The Covariant Derivative of a Vector In curved space, the covariant derivative is the "coordinate derivative" of the vector, plus the change in the vector caused by the changes in the basis vectors. The Lie Derivative of a covariant vector eld, $ XY a= Xb@ bY a+ Y b@ aXb. a smooth function f{ which is a tensor of rank (0, 0), we have already de ned the dual vector r f. We saw that, in a coordinate basis, V r f= V @f @x r Vf gives the directional derivative of f along V. The covariant derivative of a contravariant tensor (also called the "semicolon derivative" since its symbol is a semicolon) is given by (1) (2) (Weinberg 1972, p. 103), where is a Christoffel symbol, Einstein summation has been used in the last term, and is a comma derivative. The Lie Derivative of a scalar eld, $ x˚= Xa@ a˚. For this reason D is sometimes called the gauge covariant derivative. Covariant derivative of a dual vector eld { Given Eq. To do so, pick an arbitrary vector eld V , consider the covariant derivative of the scalar function f V W . The covariate derivative of a scalar along a vector field is simply its derivative along that vector field. ... and the scalar product of the dual basis vector with the basis vector of the ... the derivative represents a four-by-four matrix of partial derivatives. called the covariant vector or dual vector or one-vector. COVARIANT DERIVATIVES Given a scalar eld f, i.e. The Lagrangian for scalar electrodynamics is now LSED= 1 4 F F D The covariant derivative is a differential operator which plays an important role in differential geometry and gives the rate of change or total derivative of a scalar field, vector field or general tensor field along some path through curved space. A strict rule is that contravariant vector 1. Covariant and Lie Derivatives Notation. Given some one-form field and vector field V, we can take the covariant derivative of the scalar defined by V to get (3.8) But since V is a scalar, this must also be given by the partial derivative: (3.9) (the 4-vector inhomogeneous electromagnetic wave equation constructed from the 4-scalar D'Lambertian wave operator - the set of four wave equations for and the components of above). A velocity V in Now we can construct the components of E and B from the covariant 4-vector potential.
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