Employers may prefer applicants who have completed a certificate, an associate’s, or a bachelor’s degree program in a related field such as environmental science or wastewater treatment technology. Water Plant Technician: Job Description and Requirements. Trainees usually start as attendants or operators-in-training and learn their skills on the job under the direction of an experienced operator. The courses help attendees gain an understanding of SCADA Systems, CMMS, GIS, and GPS, as well as information management technologies, both server-based and … Level 1 must meet the minimum education identified in Table 5 or 6 and either: That same source reported an annual median wage of $85,950 for these operators, distributors and dispatchers in 2019. The operator career is a promising and stable field. Board regulations outline the number of hours required depending on the type of license. Operator Certification Program. Operator-In-Training (OIT) An Operator-In-Training (OIT) is a person who has been issued a certificate by the State Water Resources Control Board, Wastewater Operator Certification Program (WWOCP) and is acquiring qualifying experience at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) under the direct supervision of an operator at the same or a higher grade level as the OIT. Water treatment plant operators must be licensed by the jurisdiction in which they work. Answer the following questions to find the best school options for your degree. To qualify for licensure, an applicant must meet minimum educational and work experience requirements for each class of license. ), Study.com / Water Plant Technician: Job Description and Requirements. Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators typically need at least a high school diploma or equivalent and a license to work. 2. Get a quick view of the... An admission advisor from each school can provide more info about: Get Started with Eastern Kentucky University, Get Started with Northern Michigan University, Get Started with Milwaukee Area Technical College, Get Started with White Mountains Community College, Get Started with Vermilion Community College, Get Started with St Cloud Technical and Community College, Get Started with Solano Community College. In addition to assisting an individual operate a wastewater treatment facility and/or prepare for a wastewater certification examination, wastewater training can be applied toward meeting wastewater operator certification requirements. The Prevention and Cross Connection Control Program makes sure that there is proper planning and resources to operate the water treatment system, that the system will be constructed in a way that meets our requirements, and that the system is operated by qualified individuals with the proper certifications, and that new connections to system do not negatively impact the water quality. They then allow the flow to substations, to be distributed among homes and businesses. Although specific requirements vary from state to state, the program’s goal is the treatment and distribution of safe drinking water. Enter zip: Licenses typically have four levels, which depend on the operator's experience and training. willing to commit to pursuing the career. If you’re new here, you 50% of water treatment plant operators have a high school diploma, with the second most common being a certificate or associate degree at 32%. Water and Wastewater Operator Certification. Water plant technicians are intermediate-level water plant operators responsible for water treatment and distribution systems. Want expert, personalized advice that can save you a lot of time and money? (1) Minimum education and operating experience requirements for a water treatment plant operator are in Table 5. The Water Operator Hiring And Contracting Guide is a resource that can help public water system decision-makers hire or contract with a licensed/certified water operator. Described by our users as being “shockingly accurate”, you might This University of Florida Training, Research, and Education for Environmental Occupations (UF TREEO) course on C/B Drinking Water Treatment Operations is recognized by Florida's Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) as a prerequisite for taking the "C" and "B" level drinking water operator certification exams. Find Schools. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This position is an entry level class in the City's Water Plant Operator series. Continuing Education - Continuing education is required for a certified operator to renew his or her wastewater treatment operator certificate. To protect public health, drinking water treatment systems must be properly operated and maintained. Many water treatment technicians have received 1-year vocational school training or 2-year associate's-level training in water treatment, though completion of these programs is not necessary to enter the field. discover careers you haven’t thought of before. Path 1 Bachelor’s degree with a major related to wastewater treatment including 30 semester units of basic science courses. Community colleges, technical schools, and trade associations offer these certificate or associate's degree programs. A career in water plant technology involves the maintenance and repair of water distribution and treatment equipment. Water treatment plant operators typically need related work experience to become operators. Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators typically need a high school diploma or equivalent to become operators. Water plant technicians are intermediate-level water plant operators responsible for water treatment and distribution systems. 1. Under direct supervision of Operations Supervisor, Water Superintendent, or higher-level Water Treatment Plant Operators, performs operational work and maintenance at the Water Treatment Plant and performs related work as required. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projected water and wastewater treatment plant and system operator positions will decline by about 4% between 2019 and 2029. a Study.com College Advisor at the end of the process. Curriculum, relevancy of sample programs, and outcomes will vary by school. As of May 2019, water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators made an annual median salary of $47,760, per BLS. Web. New opportunities are expected to arise with population growth and the increasing complexity of the controls and systems. Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators manage the vital systems that treat water … The Drinking Water Section (DWS) certifies public drinking water utility personnel for the operation of treatment plants and distribution systems. The training requirements for NYS wastewater treatment plant operators are a progressive process. It's free! time doing something you don’t want to do. Education: High School diploma or GED. Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators typically need a high school diploma or equivalent to become operators. Florida statutes require anyone who operates a drinking water treatment plant, domestic wastewater treatment plant and/or water distribution system must be licensed by DEP. Tennessee offers 14 types of Water and Wastewater Operator Certifications: Operator Need to Know; Each Certified Operator possesses: certain experience requirements; a high school education or equivalent, and; a score of 70% or higher on the certification examination; Certification Rules 0400-49-01 The listings below may include sponsored content but are popular choices among our users. For example, a Grade 4 applicant must complete the training required for the Grade 2, 3 and 4 levels. The BLS also noted an annual median salary of $81,270 for these positions in 2019. A Wastewater Treatment Operator conducts routine checks, collects samples and conducts … Retrieved from https://study.com/articles/Water_Plant_Technician_Job_Description_and_Requirements_for_Becoming_a_Water_Treatment_Plant_Technician.html. Wastewater training is available to wastewater operators in Illinois from a number of sources as delineated below. Grade 2, 3, and 4 candidates are not required to complete the Introductory Course however. Existing licensees (waterworks operators, wastewater works operators, and onsite sewage system professionals) are required to complete continuing education courses as a condition of license renewal. "Water Plant Technician: Job Description and Requirements." People rely on ample supplies of clean water for survival, and on the proper treatment of wastewater to keep cities healthy and water sources unpolluted. (Water Plant Technician: Job Description and Requirements. At least a high school degree is required, along with comprehensive training on the job and possible aptitude exams, in addition to licensing for nuclear power reactor operators. The Water and Wastewater Technology Diploma is designed to address the education requirements of both operators working in the water treatment industry and entry-level students interested in entering the water treatment and wastewater treatment industry. The goal of this program is to ensure that qualified personnel are operating public water supply systems. As plants get larger and more complicated, operators need more skills before they are allowed to work without supervision. Education: degree major must be in chemistry, biology, engineering, microbiology, bacteriology, or another similar discipline as approved by the TCEQ Executive Director. They also complete on-the-job training. Water treatment technicians must be certified by the states in which they work, as required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Water plant technicians work under the supervision of other water plant operators, and they must be able to efficiently take direction. Grade II certification as a plant operator requires experience and education beyond entry-level requirements. Learn about the education and preparation needed to become a water treatment plant manager. 2. Study.com, 14 Nov 2020 published. should read about: Still unsure if becoming a water treatment plant operator is the right career path? At least one half of the work experience must be obtained in the specific field for the license that is requested. degree options and guide you through every step of the college selection and enrollment process. A career in water plant technology requires basic knowledge of federal and state water quality regulations. to find out if this career is in your top matches. 12 Dec 2020 accessed. The High-Tech Operator (HTO) series of courses educates attendees on the advanced concepts related to water treatment plant operators. 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Implementation of the Operator Certification guidelines happens through state operator certification programs. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that in 2016 there were 119,200 water and wastewater treatment plant operators in the United States. For free! Employers may prefer applicants who have completed a certificate or an associate’s degree program in water quality management or wastewater treatment technology, because the education minimizes the training a worker will need. Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators with similar occupations. In this video, you'll learn how to become a water conditioning contractor as we go over the job description, education and... See our list of the top free online civil engineering courses. Water treatment plant operators need a high school diploma or equivalent to become operators. What do water treatment plant operators do? 1. 2 yearsperforming duties of an operator while holding a certificate. Minimum education and experience requirements to become a certified operator. Apply for work at a treatment plant and get 2,080 hours of experience. What level of education do water treatment plant operators have? Path 2 Associates degree or 60 college semester units including 15 semester units of basic science courses. You do not have to break the bank to get a degree. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. The first step to choosing a career is to make sure you are actually Work Experience: five years of work experience, three of which must be \"hands-on\". All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Connect with Water treatment plant operators need long-term on-the-job training to become fully qualified. Water Treatment Operator Career Video Transcript. CCWP Program - including links to COVID-19 resources for utilities and operator testing information Information about certification requirements, accommodations for active military and veterans, the new regulatory training requirement, operators in responsible charge, contract operators and operator misconduct complaints. Although some jurisdictions will honour licenses from other jurisdictions, operators who move from one to another may need to take a new set of exams to become licensed in their new location. Water plant technicians must be capable of taking measurements and interpreting that information to improve water quality. They also complete on-the-job training. They often gain experience working as trainees or in other lower level positions in the plant. 1. Level of education that water treatment plant operators have What are water treatment plant operators like. A master's degree in the natural sciences, along with licensing in some states, is usually required for hydrologists who study the movement of water throughout the Earth, often working toward solutions of water availability and quality. A passing score is required on the exam for the type and level license desired.Step 1: Apply for Exam - I have completed my approved training course and I am ready to take my exam. Water Treatment Plant Operators often have similar levels of education. Requirements and standards vary widely depending on the region. education and obtains required number of contact hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) to maintain required operator licensure for each license renewal cycle. Employers may prefer applicants who have completed a certificate or an associate’s degree program in water quality management or wastewater treatment technology, because the education minimizes the training a worker will need. Similar careers to a water plant technician include: In general, these professionals control the power from plants that generate electricity with sources such as gas, wind, water and nuclear power. Hydrologists typically have a bachelor's degree in geosciences, engineering, or Earth science, though many go on to earn a master's degree or PhD. Perhaps you are Accepts equipment and product deliveries; prepares inventory and stores chemical; and p rovides training for Treatment Plant Operator(s) in Training assigned to shift. Take the free CareerExplorer career test Larger treatment plants generally combine this on-the-job training with formal classroom or self-paced study programs. Diploma Program. © copyright 2003-2020 Study.com. The trainees learn by observing and doing routine tasks, such as recording meter readings, taking samples of wastewater and sludge, and doing simple maintenance and repair work on plant equipment. Operator in Training (OIT) applicants for Water Distribution Manager (WDM-IT) and Water Treatment Plant Operator (WTPO-IT) must meet the following requirements WAC 246-292-060(3):. Speaking with one of our college advisors, you will get personalized advice and explore your (2020, Nov 14 of publication). Under the supervision of water plant operators, water plant technicians take measurements of water quality and make adjustments to the chemicals used to make water potable and safe. Career Requirements Water system operators are expected to be analytical and detail-oriented, with strong math skills and knowledge of job-specific machines, tools and equipment. Lab Technician Video: Educational Requirements for Laboratory Technicians. Class II Operator – An applicant for Class II operator certification shall (A) submit satisfactory evidence of (i) at least three years of experience in the operation of a wastewater treatment facility of Class I or higher; (ii) a high school diploma or G.E.D. Are water treatment plant operators happy with their careers? Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators typically need at least a high school diploma or equivalent and a license to work. Study.com College Advisor that can help you compare costs and options. Wastewater treatment facility personnel in California require certification before working in public water treatment plants. For this reason, and to protect the financial investment of drinking water supplies, the Illinois EPA operates a Drinking Water Operator Certification Program that certifies the technical competency of operators of community water supplies. A 16% decline was expected by the BLS for these positions during the decade ending in 2029, due in part to advances in technology. The documents and memos below contain information helpful to state program management. Obtain a letter verifying the employment. Water treatment plant operators need a high school diploma or equivalent to become operators. Work Experience: 2.5 years of \"hands-on\" experience. All rights reserved. In general, jobs within the water industry remain relatively less … Faster than average employment growth of 5% was forecast by the BLS from 2019-2029 for hydrologists. Education. Experience to become a water treatment and distribution systems an operator while holding a certificate minimum education preparation! Learn their skills on the Job duties, education, Job growth, and 4 are... 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