As a fourth generation farmer, Matt Eustace practices a combination of organic and traditional growing methods to emphasize superior product quality while minimizing the environmental footprint. We produce fruit, vegetables, herbs, cut flowers, meat, poultry and eggs. Many of Loudoun’s poultry products are available for purchase directly on the farm or at one of the local farmers markets.. View our producer listing below, and contact each … Farmbox Direct offers fresh, organic produce delivery from our farmers right to your home or office. Farmbox Direct offers fresh, organic produce delivery from our farmers right to your home or office. We have three Icelandic ram lambs available for sale. We are hoping to carry the tradition of farming in Loudoun County into the next generation. more... Old Mine Ranch is a family owned and run family fun farm located just off I-95 exit 152B in Prince William County near Quantico Marine Base. Simply choose “Farms” from the drop-down menu at the top of the site and type in your zip code. CSAware is the cream of the crop in CSA management software. Maintaining strong connections to the earth and to the people who grow your food can help to keep you grounded and healthy. more... VIRGINIA more... 32 acre vineyard and winery with tasting room and stunning views. Both of these breeds are on the Livestock Conservancy list as endangered because of their low population. That means food from us will never have pesticides, antibiotics, hormones or additives. We're also a Virginia quality-assured beef producer. We serve the community through our sales of pasture-raised antibiotic and hormone-free meats, dairy and other fine foods. Products & Services: There are many factors that go into making a good CSA. Georgia Organics has been rooted in providing direct support to small and organic farmers across our state since the 1970s. Our chicken live outside under the light of the sun, foraging and roaming the pastures and eating insects and worms. We grow both ethnic Indian and native vegetables using sustainable and organic farming practices. more... We believe that sustainability is essential to responsible stewardship. more... Willowsford Farm is 300 acres of sustainably managed farmland nestled in the heart of the Willowsford neighborhood. We began farming to feed our family and soon it turned into a community of people that wanted to changes their health with good food. As a Garden Box Club Member you will receive a weekly delivery of 6 items (2 to 3 servings per item). more... We have been farming since 2009, growing 5 acres of vegetables in Wheatland, VA, 45 miles from Washington, DC. more... Greenwich Natural Farm's mission is to focus on high-quality, locally grown and pasture/forest raised pork products. We produce free range chicken eggs and duck eggs, and heritage rabbit meat. more... We are open for choose and cut christmas trees after Thanksgiving. Find Local. Nuneviller Farms is a certified organic vegetable farm in Emmaus, PA. We grow a wide array of products, but specialize in high-tunnel grown tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, and strawberries. more... Earth Wind and Fleece is a small farm in northern Virginia that raises alpacas and creates artistic yarns and felted scarves with the alpaca fiber. For consumers, we produce: 100% grass-fed beef; Sausage (bratwurst, chorizo, Italian, plain, sage and kielbasa) Beef jerky; Certified organic pastured heritage and white turkeys Our CSA is Fruit intensive with peaches, plums, apricots, pears, apples, blueberries and strawberries. The goal is to create a sustainable, educational, and economically viable business to preserve the farm as open space within Fairfax County. Specializing in raw honey and local honey in Loudoun county and Fairfax county . Please check our web-site for details. Our motto is "Growing for the community, growing for the future". Business Office: 424 W. Duck Street, Front Royal, VA 22630. We are committed to humanely raising our animals with non-GMO feed. Independence Homestead is a family farm that is set apart by its beyond organic, sustainable farming practices, including rotational grazing and the use of non-GMO feed milled in Virginia. Enjoy humanely-raised, pastured poultry from a variety of producers in the county. Check Experiences Share Stories, laughter and special moments on farms in your daily life! We deliver organic fruits & vegetables fresh from our fields to your doorstep. You can visit us in the spring and fall Loudoun County farm tours, and see our products at various fine arts and crafts venues. We grow a variety of Vegetables, Meat, Eggs, Flowers and Herbs.. By buying direct from a family farm you can help put a stop to this unfortunate trend. Find Farms. We sell our vegetables and fruit through our Farm Market on Route 9. of Va. Take a class, learn about the natural world, gardening, and herbs. Read more about Farm … CHOOSE A FARM BOX. This season brought additional challenges for growers and food producers in Maine: On top of a … more... Onyx Hill Farm grows a variety of vegetables using sustainable practices and no pesticides. We include a small weekly u-pick bonus at no additional charge for share members visiting the farm. Our choice to raise USDA Certified Organic grains shows our commitment to environmentally sound agricultural practices. Herbs; ... Search Local. is an easy-to-use database that helps source organic and regenerative farms, farmers markets, CSA’s, restaurants, grocery stores, co-ops, u-pick farms, farm stands, as well as wholesale and meat processors that sell organic food. more... We are a 45 acre certified organic farm in rural Loudoun County, Virginia. Thank you for your appreciation and support of local organic … Our obsession with the best of the best in Local Organic produce and goods has reached the dinner plates of families, shoppers, and foodies all along the East Coast. We are in our first full year of production, raising a mix of livestock including: Highland Cattle, Pork with 80% heritage background, cage free quail and quail eggs, free range chicken and chicken eggs and rabbit. Our mission is to grow both food and community, connecting famillies in NoVa directly to their food source. Whole and Half Lamb Packages at just $12 per lb including all processing. We use natural processes to grow great food, regenerate the land, and show respect for the natural ecosystems. Hepworth Farms is a seventh generation family owned organic farm whose focus is centered on whole, natural, organic foods. We have found that maintaining a thriving farm culture can be a balancing act. Tasting fee-$8pp, groups of 8 or more $12pp. Our produce is Certified Organic through CCOF. We raise and sell delicious pastured pork, chicken, and lamb. Dedicated to doing things the "old-fashioned" way, we raise all our animals on pasture. We follow a free-range approach to raising our pork. who allied against common enemies to protect their sacred land. We are located in the historic town of Hillsboro, Virginia. Open Friday 12-5PM, Saturday 11-6PM and Sunday 11-5PM. Our goal is to provide natural, delicious food to the local community. Phil and Ilene Freedman operate the farm with a mission to educate and help families experience the joy of growing what they eat. With a focus on fresh and small-batch items, products available rotate seasonally. Our Local Foods at Thornhill Farm is a certified organic farm that offers grass fed beef, free range chicken, pastured pork, farm fresh eggs and certified organic vegetables. We have several hundred ranging chickens, guineas and ducks for egg production and last year raised heritage turkeys for Thanksgiving. In spring of 2020 we planted a large garden with vegetables and flowers. Wool/alpaca products: roving, yarn, hand-woven rugs, knitted garments. We're USDA inspected. We steward our land using organic practices, forgoing certification, and calling ourselves Ecoganic. Eat Healthy~Live Happy! more... Fields of Athenry Farm is a Weston A. All of our animals are pasture-raised. more... Day Spring Farm, in Middleburg, Va, a family owned and operated farm. more... Shallowbrooke Farm is your source for the freshest local produce delivered to Northern Virginia and theWashington DC metro area. more... Dragonfly Farms produces Maryland wine, gourmet vinegar, cut flowers, herbs, fresh and local fruit and vegetables for restaurants and CSA's in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. At Nick’s Organic Farm, our cattle, poultry and crops are raised on our certified organic farm in Maryland’s fertile Frederick Valley. The Lamb's Quarter is a colonial-era family farm dating back to 1690. Beagle Ridge Farms provides guided wildlife and nature hikes, garden tours with herbal luncheons, and special events year round. more... Willowsford Farm is 300 acres of sustainably managed farmland nestled in the heart of the Willowsford neighborhood. Price Foundation inspired farm and family health resource. more... Red Hill Farm is a Red Angus and Angus beef farm located in beautiful Leesburg, VA. We strive to provide the highest quality, safest and most flavorful all natural, grass fed, local beef products out there. more... Our Colored Range day-old chicks are hatched in the heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country. All of our products are raised humanely and naturally. more... We are a small poultry, egg, and produce farm located in the foothills of the Shenandoah Mountains in Northern Culpeper County, Virginia. more... We have just a small farm but are planning to expand it. Individual cuts at $12 to $20 per lb. All of our produce is non-gmo, certified organic, and picked at the peak of freshness. Fresh, local, organic, and affordable! Calverton: C.R. Our mission is to grow quality local organic crops using sustainable practices. Year-round, JBG grows over 60 different types of vegetables, flowers, and herbs. Experience Sustainable living on local organic farms & family homes worldwide! The Garden Box Club is a local delivery service, We deliver fresh organic vegetable gathered from 4 local farms every week. Whether you are a fruit fanatic, veg head or love it all, you can choose (and … Organic Food. Organic. You can find our products in specialty stores and Farmers markets (Smart Markets)The best of our farm for you to enjoy! more... Winfield Farms is a farm located on historic property in Fairfax County, Virginia, just 21 miles west of Washington, D.C. We are one of only several designated farms in the County and proudly grow a variety of farm products (produce and specialty meats) on our approximately 20 acres. Attention! We do use fertilizer to yield a large enough quantity of produce. All our seeds are organically sourced and non-GMO. In 1997, we formally incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and hired our first full-time leader and current CEO, Alice Rolls in 2004. Our CSA program runs 23 weeks, from May until November. more... CSAware is the cream of the crop in CSA management software. Mission: The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association is a broad-based community that educates about and advocates for organic agriculture, illuminating its interdependence with a healthy environment, local food production, and thriving communities. more... Amaranth Acres is a family owned farm in Dickerson, MD. Poultry. We’ve got the websites, the breakdowns, and some juicy photos of some of the best seasonally local organic produce you could ever possibly imagine. more... Rainbow Acres Farm is a small diversified homestead, finally in the "hands-on" phase of our journey toward raising our own food, and in turn offering pasture-based, nutrient-dense food to our neighbors. Grass Raised and Grain Fed (non-gmo barley and corn) for a mild and sweet flavor. We make our own rich compost, and apply rock powders, natural minerals and sea products to ensure that our food is nutrient dense. more... We are a small family run farm located in Loudoun County, Virginia. Farm To Table. Our growing methods follow the principles of sustainably-minded, ecologically-based farming. more... Our mission is to help everyone experience farm life and enjoy the benefits of its bounty. Farms Near Me; Organic Farms; Sustainable Farms; Raw Milk Farms; CSAs; Farmstands; Pick Your Own Farms; Farms That Sell Wholesale; Find Businesses. Our objective is to grow grains for the local community. Instead, from central Florida to Virginia and across the Appalachians clear to Tennessee, they enjoy (mostly) warm weather, longer growing seasons and pastures that grow lush on our local organic farms. Our mission is to grow both food and community, connecting famillies in NoVa directly to their food source. Both our Farm Stand and CSA are open to the public. Local lamb with No growth hormones and No antibiotics! Telephone: 540-636-4402 Monday-Saturday, 8-8.No Sunday calls, if no answer please leave a message. All you need to do is check out our local organic farms page detailing all the best local organic farms here in Northern California. Our farm is a working livestock farm, we do not allow customers to walk around freely beyond the store, We give guided farm tours between May - October please give us a call to make a reservation (914) 737-2810 X3. Plow and Stars Farm is a family-run farm located in Montgomery County's beautiful Agricultural Reserve at historic Montevideo. After all, if we do not preserve and nourish the land we work, we cannot sustain ourselves. We appreciate your help spreading the word about LocalHarvest! we deliver to 3 surrounding counties (over 11 … We are in our 9th year of producing pasture-raised poultry. The Culinary Herb Farm is located in Fairfax VA. We grow all our herbs and spices without pesticides. We have farm animals, pony rides, hayrides, train rides, tunnel slides, nature hikes, picnic areas, agricultural sales and activities. more... Fort Bacon Farm was established in 1880, and has been farmed by the same family ever since. The phrase Buffalo Chicken Ranch rings true here at Breezy Meadow Farms! We are a mother and daughter run lavender farm, since 2002 in beautiful Fauquier County in Northern Virginia (55 min. As a fourth generation farmer, Matt Eustace practices a combination of organic and traditional growing methods to emphasize superior product quality while minimizing the environmental footprint. HOW IT WORKS Organic Produce Delivered To Your Door. Manahoac is a union of tribes from the Piedmont region of Northern Virginia Cadillac Mountain in Maine’s Acadia National Park. We are minimalists, meaning that we like to use the least amount of chemicals to grow our crops. We are home to "Kitchen Table Cuisine," a regional delivery program of locally produced meat and other locally produced food items. Avalos Organic Farm - (Hollister, CA) Avant Gardens Farm & Mushroomery - (Lowellville, OH) Avdis Ranch - (Sacramento, CA) Avello Family Farm & Mushrooms - (Kennett Sq., PA) Averill Farm - (Washington Depot, CT) Avery Farms - (Penfield, IL) Avery's Clams - (Atlantic City, NJ) Avid Farms - (Dunkirk, NY) Avila And Sons Farms - (Hanford, CA) Both our Farm Stand and CSA are open to the public. We have Cotswold sheep and Buckeye chickens. We are the only true (b)farm-to-table restaurant(/b) in the region! more... Wake up and smell the lavender! Our produce is Certified Organic through CCOF. We hand dye the fiber and yarns on site in our fiber art studio. Being certified organic was a very important accomplishment for us in our first year. We produce a variety of fresh organic vegetables every year as well as eggs and chickens. Where are you if you want to be the first person in the U.S. to see the sunrise? Please note that Haskins Family Farm no longer raises chicken, pork, turkeys or eggs for market. Our farm does not use antibiotics, growth hormones or confinement houses. Farms, LLC: Owner: Joshua Colvin. Unfortunately, no cows are allowed there, but they don't mind. Our heritage Duroc breed originally came from J&L Green who supplies Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms. more... We have been farming since 2009, growing 5 acres of vegetables in Wheatland, VA, 45 miles from Washington, DC. The beef and lamb is 100% grass-fed; the pork and chicken free-range on pasture. Moon on the Mountain Farm offers fine alpaca, Merino and Cotswold fleece for hand spinners, art batts, roving, many kinds of natural colored and hand painted yarn, felt clothing and and other handmade garments. We never use chemicals of any kind... ever. more... Shallowbrooke Farm is your source for the freshest local produce delivered to Northern Virginia and theWashington DC metro area. We are the only organic grower in Prince William County. This is a small Certified Grade A family dairy farm in southern Fauquier County. Our mission is to grow quality local organic crops using sustainable practices. Our growing methods follow the principles of sustainably-minded, ecologically-based farming. We are more than proud of our wonderful customers, who make themselves more like family. Organic, Free-range, and locally grown. For years now we've produced healthy, great tasting grass-fed meat, eggs, and much, much more. Farm in central Illinois serving the Peoria and Naperville areas hormones and no pesticides and duck eggs and! A working cut flower local organic farms and fiber Arts LLC, Faith like a Mustard Seed farm, Brunch BBQ. Weeks, from May until November your own strawberry patch in October and a pick your own strawberry patch the! 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