International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. Impact Factor: 2.194 ℹ Impact Factor: 2019: 2.194 The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Since the internet is now the most powerful tool for publication and exchange of opinions, we make Circulation Reports into an on … Circulation. Circulation is a scientific journal published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins for the American Heart Association.The journal publishes articles related to research in and the practice of cardiovascular diseases, including observational studies, clinical trials, epidemiology, health services and outcomes studies, and advances in applied (translational) and basic research. Editor(s): Stevenson, William G. Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) 2019 Journal Impact Factor: 4.39 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group) ISSN: 1941-3149 Register for eToc Alerts Its impact factor rose from 2.4 to 4.1 during the past 8 years. The American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology publishes original investigations on the physiology of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics, including experimental and theoretical studies of cardiovascular function at all levels of organization ranging from the intact animal to the cellular, subcellular, and molecular levels. ―Greetings From the Editor-in-Chief Dear Colleagues, Thank you very much for your submission to Circulation Reports, an official Journal of the Japanese Circulation Society. Circulation IF is decreased by a factor of 0.78 and approximate percentage change is -5.12% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a … Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. Editor(s): Hill, Joseph A. After the extraordinary effort of the immediate-past Editorial team lead by Professor Hiroaki Shimokawa, the Circulation Journal has become one of the world-renown cardiovascular journals. Journal Citation Reports 2020 (Impact factor & Ranking of 2019) July 2020 Project: Now, I do researches on field of Yemeni-coffee, Vegetable oil, argan oil, and olive oil. 25 journals are ranked among the top 25% of journals in at least one of the categories they are ranked for. Purpose: To explore the influencing factors of volume hemorrhage in ruptured anterior circulation aneurysms, so as to identify the characteristics of anterior circulation aneurysms with high volume of hemorrhage, and to provide advice for clinical diagnosis and treatment for those aneurysms.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 437 cases of ruptured anterior intracranial … Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2020) 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.954 ℹ Five-Year Impact Factor: 2019: 1.954 Out of the previously listed journals, a total of 72 percent boast an increased Impact Factor. This is the official journal of The Japanese Circulation Society. official scientific journal of the Japanese Circulation Society. Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) 2019 Journal Impact Factor: 23.6 (Journal Citation Report, Web of … Circulation Impact Factor 2018-2019 The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Circulation is 14.44 , which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition. "This study starts the process of assessing the impact that ocean circulation has on nutrient cycling, biological productivity and, potentially, the detectability of life on exoplanets." Gut is a leading international journal in gastroenterology and hepatology and has an established reputation for publishing first class clinical research of the alimentary tract, the liver, biliary tree and pancreas.Gut delivers up-to-date, authoritative, clinically oriented coverage in all areas of gastroenterology and hepatology.
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