If you find yourself consistently falling short, adding them to your smoothie is a quick and easy, no-fuss was to get more of these health-promoting superfoods into your diet. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Kale and spinach provide high quantities of copper, an essential mineral in your metabolism. Also, it plays a vital role in the health of the tissues which support the maturation of collagen, an essential compound for bone health. Nutrition: 1 teaspoon = 2 cups of whole-leaf kale, Add to your favorite smoothie recipe for a nutritious boost, USDA certified Organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, plant-based, Made with nutritent-dense, farm fresh kale, Organic Kale Powder, 100% Natural Kale Powder, USDA Organic Certified, No Gmo, No Additives, 100% Pure, Rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, Support Immune System, Green Superfood For Daily Smoothie, Drinks and Food, Culinary Grade, Best Green Kale Powder, 5.3oz. The Health Benefits of Green Smoothies. Their kale powder is 100% USDA Certified Organic with no additives. My daughter loves the new Wonder Woman movie. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. How many servings of dark leafy greens do you get into your diet on a daily basis? It’s great for adults but kids will love it too. It not only helps … Orange Strawberry Spinach Smoothie. Green smoothies offer pure nutrition. Organic, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Whole-Food, Freeze-dried. Addition of ginger will provide the sharp flavor that I (and many others) absolutely love! Your email address will not be published. In fact, kale and spinach contain so much vitamin K that people who are using blood thinners should avoid kale and spinach because the amount of vitamin K they contain will interfere with the blood-thinning medications! Learn More From My Wife: Anna Targoniy Rich in Immune Vitamins (Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C and Vitamin D), Minerals (Magnesium,... No GMOs, No Soy, No Irradiation, No Additives, No Preservatives, No Artificial Colors and Gluten... Scoop included to get the perfect measurement every time. Help lower cholesterol. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Swap the spinach for stemmed, chopped kale. Here you'll find simple, delicious and healthy, plant-based recipes and everything you need to eat, live and thrive. Naturevibe Botanicals Organic Spinach Powder. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. On top of the spinach and blueberries there’s chard, oats, and strawberries. It’s … To boil kale: Bring a large pot of water to boil. Remove tough stems from kale. Adding it to your smoothie helps you get all the good nutrition, without the bitter taste. MicroIngredients Organic Kale Powder is a sustainably grown kale powder supplement that is grown in the United States. Blueberry Kale Smoothie. Best of all, you get the nitric oxide boosting benefits of beets without drowning your s Your email address will not be published. Adding it to your smoothie helps you get all the good nutrition, without the bitter taste. AdamKempFitness.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Makes a great breakfast or snack anytime of day.. Smoothies are my favorite thing to make for breakfast in the mornings. KOYAH – Organic USA Grown Spinach Powder. Learn how your comment data is processed. I tell her … Learn how your comment data is processed. Chard is a leafy green that’s even more nutrient dense than spinach or kale!. For many, spinach is a tough vegetable to swallow. Kale Spinach Smoothie Ingredients. There are a variety of superfood powders that contain spinach powder and kale powder, or you can purchase them individually. Your email address will not be published. | Livestrong.com These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. KOYAH – Organic USA Grown Spinach Powder is a whole leaf spinach powder grown in the United States that you can visibly see is better than other spinach powder supplements. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Combine 2 cups of spinach… Check Out My Son's Website: Addison Kemp Keywords: easy green smoothie, kale smoothie, spinach smoothie, Tag @runningonrealfood on Instagram and hashtag it #runningonrealfood. Keep reading below to learn more about kale and spinach and why you should make sure you are including them in your diet! Turn it on low then slowly increase the speed to high and blend until it’s completely smooth and creamy. Frozen banana is key for sweet and creamy smoothies. Vitamin A assists with making red blood cells, cells that carry oxygen to the tissues, and helps to improve the health of your eyes. One of the health benefits of consuming spinach and banana smoothies is increased vitamin K intake. Immune Booster Smoothie: 2 handfuls of spinach and kale 1/2 cup pineapple (fresh or frozen) 1/2 cup milk of your choice Mix with a handful of ice in a blender, serve immediately. You Could Risk Dangerous Drug Interactions. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/236951/spinach-and-kale-smoothie A serving of raw kale contains 10% of the RDI of copper, while an equivalent serving of spinach includes 2%. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Here are a few of my favorites: In my opinion, the best spinach powder is KOYAH – Organic USA Grown Spinach Powder. Kale and spinach are excellent sources of Vitamin K. Vitamin K is important for many aspects of health, and it is specifically important for blood coagulation (blood clotting). While fruits have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, smoothies often become hyper-concentrated sources of fruit sugars, Andrews says. The price of KOYAH – Organic USA Grown Spinach Powder is slightly more expensive than other brands but this spinach powder is definitely worth paying a little extra for. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. Copyright © 2020. Here’s what you’ll need to make this smoothie: This smoothie contains healthy fats from the almond milk, loads of disease-fighting antioxidants from the spinach and kale, it’s high in calcium, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium and contains smaller amounts of a wide range of essential minerals. AdamKempFitness.com asks you to accept cookies in order to provide you with a positive, customized website and mobile experience. Required fields are marked *, Rate this recipe The antioxidants vitamins A and C are also useful for skin damage. This high-protein blend might not look like a kale smoothie because of the … With a single serving of 2 cups of raw spinach or kale, you will get your recommended daily intake of Vitamin K. Furthermore, unlike only using Vitamin K supplements, it will all be absorbed into your body! Combination of spinach, kale, carrot, orange and apple will give you a huge boost in Vitamin A, K and C. Not to mention the whole range of cancer fighting anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory substances in them. Amazing Grass Organic Kale Greens Powder, but it is definitely a great product. These cookies do not store any personal information. Dates add a hint of caramel flavour to smoothies … Strawberry Kale Smoothie. Frozen banana. Due to its antioxidant content, kale also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it an excellent food for people with rheumatoid arthritis or any other inflammation-based health problems. Copper activates an enzyme called Cytochrome C Oxidase, which allows cells to convert nutrients into usable energy. Add a scoop of your favorite vanilla protein powder or an unflavored protein powder. You can see a detailed outline of the nutritional data underneath the recipe. Here are the ingredients you’ll need to make it, along with a … Likewise, using spinach powder or kale powder is a suitable replacement if you don’t have time or access to use fresh kale or spinach in your meals. and get a free eBook with my 25 top recipes. Your email address will not be published. Spinach, specifically, contains high amounts of lutein which prevents against macular degeneration. Eco-Taste Organic Kale Powder is slightly more expensive than Amazing Grass Organic Kale Greens Powder, but it is definitely a great product. Promote healthy digestion. Simple Process - Grown in the USA > Harvested > Washed > Frozen > Freeze-Dried > Powdered. Share on Pinterest. If you make this as a Kale Pineapple Banana Smoothie (using banana instead of avocado), it will be 84 calories with 2 grams of fat and 8.9 grams of sugar per serving. Hailing from the cabbage family along with other vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, kale has a mild and earthy taste. I especially like baby spinach, as it’s almost flavorless when blended with other vegetables and fruits. Additionally, if you cannot stand the taste or texture of raw spinach or kale in your smoothies or in your salads, spinach powder and kale powder are viable options. The price is the same as their kale powder, and the container includes 30 servings each equivalent to one cup of raw spinach. Strawberry Spinach Protein Smoothie. Ingredients. You can also use fresh or frozen spinach if that’s what you have on hand. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. ★☆ 250mls (1 cup) water 2 stalks celery, trimmed (approx. About Deryn. Such an easy way to increase your fruit and veggie intake! High in iron. 100g) 1 small pear, cored (approx. 100% pure with no additives.... 1 scoop of powder equivalent to 1 cup fresh spinach. Add all of the ingredients to a high-speed. Take it naturally in powder for higher concentration, quicker absorption, easier on... We strive to produce the world's highest quality spinach powder. Regardless of how you do it, adding kale and spinach to your diet is a great way to get healthy and stay healthy! Kale Spinach Smoothie. How to Lose Weight Overnight Fast – The 6 Most Effective Strategies! Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest and read more about me here. The health benefits of spinach can range from lowering blood pressure to promoting healthy skin and hair. Great in Smoothies, Soups, Sauces, Baked Goods, Juices, & Nut Milks. 29 comments on “strawberry kale and spinach detox smoothie” michelle marlowe — June 8, 2020 @ 5:28 pm Reply I can’t seem to find the amounts of each to put into the smoothie, very interested in trying this, but would like the ingredient amounts for the spinich, kale and strawberry smoothie This smoothie is full of rockstar ingredients! Kale, specifically, can be incredibly powerful for its ability to protect against cataracts, helping maintain lung health, cardiovascular health, and stimulate the immune system. One of the top health benefits of kale is that it’s a natural detoxifier. Kale has slightly more nutrients than spinach overall, but you should include both of these leafy green vegetables in your diet as much as possible. I definitely want to start incorporating more smoothies into my breakfasts and snacks, especially after a workout with the warmer weather! Kale is a popular … I’m the writer, recipe developer and photographer here at Running on Real Food. Spinach smoothie benefits. Another one of the best spinach powder supplements is MicroIngredients Organic Spinach Powder. Each tub contains the equivalent of 30 cups of... Micro Ingredients Spinach Powder Organic, 1 Pound, Non-GMO and Vegan Friendly. Spinach is a vegetable that is a member of the Amaranthaceae family, where it is native to... Because of its vitamins A and C content, spinach is also useful for boosting the immune system. There are tons of benefits of kale and spinach and reasons to include spinach and scale in your diet! ★☆. If you cannot consume very much fresh kale and spinach because you do not like the taste or it is not easily accessible for you, using kale powder and spinach powder is a viable alternative. Add the zest of 1 orange or swap the almond milk for freshly squeezed orange juice. According to How Not to Die, eating greens nearly everyday may be one of the most powerful stems you can take to prolong your life. High in Vitamin K, A, and C. Have anti-inflammatory agents. While kale offers more than twice the amount of vitamin C as spinach, spinach provides more folate and … Kale and spinach are both excellent detox ingredients used in preparing green smoothies due to … We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Click here to leave a review! Kale and spinach are both excellent detox ingredients due to their cleansing properties and nutrients. Design by Purr. Beet, Spinach & Kale Super Smoothie This super-charged healthy smoothie recipe brings together the benefits of beets, kale, spinach and more in a tangy, refreshing beverage that’s perfect for breakfast or before your workout. Fortunately, many brands produce quality spinach powder and kale powder supplements that provide many of the same health benefits of spinach and kale, just in a powdered form. Naturevibe Botanicals Organic Spinach Powder is an affordable and high-quality spinach powder supplement. This kale smoothie recipe is on my weekly rotation, as well as my strawberry banana smoothie, green smoothie and pineapple mango smoothie. Oats are an excellent source of fiber and protein.. Strawberries are low in calories, fat-free, and very high in vitamin C.. Spinach Smoothie Recipe. Add lemon juice to taste and garnish with … Spinach is a good source of fibre, which has been shown to help naturally detox the body. What Are the Benefits of Spinach in Smoothies? If you’re wondering what are the benefits of spinach smoothies, here are just a few of the many perks this leafy, green vegetable brings to the table according to Healthline:. ★☆ This Kale Spinach Smoothie tastes amazing, is loaded with nutrition, high in protein, thick and creamy and completely vegan. I try to use frozen bananas (instead of fresh) for a thicker texture. Spinach’s taste in green smoothies is very mild. Although obtaining fresh kale or spinach in your diet is the best option, there are benefits of using kale powder and spinach powder instead. ★☆ Like all dark leafy green vegetable, kale, spinach and chard are rich in … They both contain high levels of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer components because they belong to the group of dark leafy greens. Both kale and spinach are excellent choices for the base of a salad, a component of your greens smoothie, a part of a sautee, or in pretty much any other way that you can incorporate them into your diet! Kale Is Among The Most Nutrient-Dense Foods on The Planet. Considering that kale is easily another one of the most popular green smoothie ingredients, it only makes sense to add it in with spinach to provide a one-two punch of nutritional goodness. I love kale because unlike the spinach, kale is very low in oxylates and therefore, it doesn’t contribute to the formation of kidney stones, it is also high in protein and has all the 9 essential aminoacids and is very rich in vitamin A. I love both kale and spinach, and squeezing a lemon and adding the juice to a glass of water reduces the risk of kidney stone formation to nearly zero percent. 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