Using some of the most beautiful prose I have ever read, I loved it. She seems to do a fine job of merging them. This is a wonderful book that makes me feel more connected to the natural world. First, you will go into the forest to search for a black ash This essay collection is a long meditation on the natural world and our place in it. This essay collection is a long meditation on the natural world and our place in it. The point is we ARE “it”. See 1 question about Braiding Sweetgrass…, Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System, Karl Marx's Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy, The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World, Debt - Updated and Expanded: The First 5,000 Years, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition, Another Now: Dispatches from an Alternative Present, Talking to My Daughter About the Economy: or, How Capitalism Works - and How It Fails, The Invisible Heart: Economics and Family Values, Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentring Oppression, Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle, Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, Bill Gates Picks 5 Good Books for a Lousy Year. at the table of contents. As an herbalist, I get both of those perspectives and love the author's way of connecting science and tradition. Kit Crawford is the co-owner and co-CEO of Clif Bar. Updated with a new introduction from Robin Wall Kimmerer, the special edition of Braiding Sweetgrass, reissued in honor of the fortieth anniversary of Milkweed Editions, celebrates the book as an object of meaning that will last the ages.. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer. I appreciated Robin Wall Kimmerer’s perspective on giving back to the land considering how much the land gives to us. It has created powerful tools for ravaging the planets ecosystems, creating a hard path for our descendants. in handy, too. Each essay reveals a little more about the author’s life reconciling modern science with her own indigenous culture. When you read Braiding Written in 2013, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants is a book by Robin Wall Kimmerer, a botanist and member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, that examines modern botany and environmentalism through the lens of the traditions and cultures of the indigenous peoples of North America. 06/03/13, Your Community Parks, Open Spaces, and Gardens Need You 05/07/18, Your Individual Climate Actions Matter and this is Why 09/23/19, 10 Green New Year’s Resolutions for 2015 01/12/15, 4th of July – Be a Green Citizen 07/04/14, 4th of July – Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness 07/04/13, 4th of July – What Does it Mean to be an American? Does this book deal with animals in nature as well as plants? As a social scientist myself, I found her nuanced ideas about the relationship between western science and indigenous worldviews compelling. More than recycling bins, carpooling and composting in the garden, we need to reassess ourselves as children of the land. While I treasure creative nonfiction essays, I find Kimmerer's language over-reaching in its poetic pursuits. Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Braiding Sweetgrass Summary - Four Minute Books. book. Her version of the Christian creation story juxtaposed with the Skywoman tale certainly implies that Western society (as in typical Western society, for certainly her people were further west first) is at odds with nature due to their foundation myths. like being straight and healthy, with perhaps thirty to forty growth rings, This is one of the most singular and beautiful books I have ever read. Illustration by David Mahoney. I don't know what else to say. It is a vitally important read for humanity as we see ourselves, how we see the world, our relation to it and how we need each other. Crawford shared her review of Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer for our ongoing series of book … I think it has affected me more than anything else I've ever read. What came to mind when you read the words collateral damage? Five stars for introducing me to Sweetgrass, its many Native American traditions, and her message of caring for and showing gratitude for the Earth. This is perspective altering in the best way. This is an important and a beautiful book. We are not separate, so we cannot “require” it and neither can we (or should we) “subdue” it. easy task. It teaches the reader so many things about plants and nature in general. I often was so absorbed in the story that I would forget I was learning new, relevant information about, for example, pecans. Start by marking “Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants” as Want to Read: Error rating book. I would read a couple of essays. In Braiding Sweetgrass, she intertwines these two modes of awareness—the analytic and the emotional, the scientific and the cultural—to ultimately reveal a path toward healing the rift that grows between people and nature. Kimmerer shows us that science and spirituality are complementary and that we make the acquaintance of the Windigo. Altho' it is easy to see the negative impacts humans have on the planet we are apart of this planet, we are here and we belong here, we help it as it helps us. Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer (also credited as Robin W. Kimmerer) (born 1953) is Associate Professor of Environmental and Forest Biology at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF). This Braiding Sweetgrass summary gives advice on how you should take better care of the planet and connect more with nature like the Native Americans. waterproof boots because you will traipse through woods, fields, and streams as She seems to do a fine job of merging them. Her mission is to live more lightly on Earth and to persuade everyone else to do the same. As a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she embraces … This audio study guide for Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer includes detailed summary and analysis of each chapter and an in-depth exploration of the book’s multiple symbols, motifs, and themes such as over-consumption and the intersection of science and spirituality. I picked up the book, read the text on the back, and looked As for the rest of it, although I love the author's core message--that we need to find a relationship to the land based on reciprocity and gratitude, rather than exploitation--I have to admit, I found the book a bit of a struggle to get through. The book the President should read, that all of us who care about the future of the planet should read, is Robin Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass. Everything was particularly raw and rough back then, the path forward for the climate fight murky and unclear. I listened to the audiobook narrated by the author while camping and hiking in a national park. Stand quietly in the background as eleven third graders of the Onondaga Nation recite the Thanksgiving Address in their own language. Here, you will have an opportunity to observe how to make a basket, not of grass, but of wood. Gorgeous beautiful moving. I've been reading this book slowly because I'm savoring it and don't want it to end. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. One of the most beautiful books I've ever read. As you wend your way through Braiding Sweetgrassyou will be introduced to the concep… Kimmerer also brings up how untouched land is now polluted and forgotten, how endangered species need to be protected, how we can take part in caring for nature, especially during the climate crisis that we are currently experiencing and have caused due to our carelessness and lack of concern for other species. Her second book, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants, was awarded the Sigurd Olson Nature Writing Award and recently landed on the New York Times Bestseller list. Different animals and how the indigenous people learned from watching them and plants, the trees. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Audio. Five stars for the beauty of some of Robin Wall Kimmerer's writing in many essays/chapters. 06/18/12, Wheatless Wednesday — Whole Wheat Wednesday 01/16/13, Why You Should Volunteer to Collect Native Plant Seeds 08/26/19, World Environment Day 2013 – Think. This is an absolutely brilliant book that joins up indigenous thinking with ecology and botanical science in fascinating ways. Preferably one with desirable attributes Click here to read an English translation of the full Thanksgiving Address. Choosing just a few to share with you was not an Browse The Guardian Bookshop for a big selection of Society & culture: general books and the latest book reviews Buy Braiding Sweetgrass 9780141991955 by Robin Wall Kimmerer for This is part of a living population of sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata) – photo credit iStock/KatharinaRau. She is the author of numerous scientific articles, and the book Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses. It is a vitally important read for humanity as we see ourselves, how we see the world, our relation to it and how we need each other. 03/25/19, Eco-Friendly and Ethical Chocolate — Birds and Trees 12/19/12, Environmentally Friendly Christmas Tree Tradition 12/18/17, Go Solar with Home Rooftop Photovoltaics — We Did 03/29/13, Green Investing — New Year's Resolution 01/13/14, Green Twist on 10 Healthy Eating New Year’s Resolutions 01/01/18, Greening the NFL – Teams and Stadiums 09/16/13, I am an American Citizen not just an American Consumer 07/04/12, Making Water Conservation a Way of Life – Indoors 04/02/18, Making Water Conservation a Way of Life – Outdoors 03/26/18, Minimalism – Living More Lightly on the Planet 01/28/19, Minimalism for Couples – Buying Less Stuff 06/18/18, Minimalism for Couples – Getting Rid of Stuff 06/11/18, Mother Nature Needs Our Help – Let’s Plant Trees 02/11/19, Renewable Energy – Home Rooftop Solar Photovoltaics 03/27/13, Repairing Things is the Antidote for Our Throwaway Society 05/15/17, Rooftop Solar Costs Less than You Think 10/23/14, Rooftop Solar Panels are Worth It and this is Why 06/04/18, Shrink Your Carbon Footprint with a Smart Thermostat 02/26/18, Simple and Eco-Friendly Solutions to Keeping Produce Fresh 01/08/18, Start Your Minimalist Journey on the First Day of Spring 03/16/20, Toilet Paper – Green Alternatives 09/30/19, What Good is a Rain Barrel during a Drought? Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants Robin Wall Kimmerer. I’m sure that if you are an avid reader or if you’re on Goodreads and you have seen this book, this book is highly popular right now, it’s been getting rave rave reviews it is so beautiful. I'm sure there is still so much I can't see. The various themes didn't braid together as well as Sweetgrass itself does. A fantastic book I cannot praise it enough. Braiding Sweetgrass_ Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants ( ) ... An illustration of an open book. Five stars for introducing me to Sweetgrass, its many Native American traditions, and her message of caring for and showing gratitude for the Earth. I will bump it up to the top of my list. As the book came to a conclusion I was returning to my camp with tears in my eyes, hope in my mind, and pain in my heart. It's difficult to rate this book, because it so frequently veered from two to five stars for me. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Video. tree that is ready to be a basket. Today we’ll be discussing “Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Robin Wall Kimmerer has put the spiritual relationship that Chief Seattle called the ‘web of life’ into writing. I found this problematic as she neglects the further complexities of the Eden story: the presence of Adam and God for starters. There are so many post-its and bent pages I need to revisit. Kimmerer points towards a way out of this mess for us all in a series of beautifully crafted essays. Plastic: Environmental Impact 09/19/12, BeGreen2013 — National Summit on Environmental Education and Sustainability 01/28/13, Bioneers — Revolution from the Heart of Nature 10/22/12, Bioneers 2013 Conference – Turning Vision into Action 10/29/13, Bird and Bird Habitat Conservation Legislation 05/15/13, Birdbaths Attract Birds to Your Yard 08/21/17, Bottled Water – Cost and Sustainability 01/26/15, Bottled Water – Social Implications 02/02/15, Breast Cancer Awareness – Mr. Pruitt Do Your Job 10/16/17, Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Our Environment 10/17/16, California Drought – You Cannot Drink Denial 09/26/16, Can Spreading Happiness Save the World? I listened to the unabridged audiobook BRAIDING SWEETGRASS: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teaching of Plants read by the author Robin Wall Kimmerer. Below are glimpses into three of the chapters. How important the earth is to us and how important we. Braiding Sweetgrass is the book we all need right now. However, Kimmerer's lengthy prose-poetry is coupled with an over-generalized critique of American/Western/Christian culture (often conflating all three instead of recognizing the nuances between them). Best of luck. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants. After reading Braiding Back in 2013, when I decided to read the 40th-anniversary edition of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, I did not know that I would be starting a new tradition for myself. I finally got around to reading it last week. Apparently, they did because a few minutes later the ants subsided. I wish Robin Wall Kimmerer had written three short books instead of one long book. Kimmerer expertly weaves together substantial and fascinating botanical knowledge, storytelling, and philosophy. As a social scientist myself, I found her nuanced ideas about the relationship between western science and indigenous worldviews compelling. Braiding Sweetgrass is a delight of a book on many levels. I feel I must justify my rating of this book as some of my peers would disagree with me. marking my favorite passages. Shop now. Although the collection is long and sometimes repetitive, what it has to say is valuable to our current understanding and our future. I am so glad that one of my book friends recommended this interesting and educational audiobook. Visualize yourself wearing a stout pair ofwaterproof boots because you will traipse through woods, fields, and streams asyou explore with Robin Wall Kimmerer. As a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. The book was published in 2013 by Milkweed Editions. This was a wonderful, wonderful book. Sweetgrass, you will receive scientific information about the nonhuman Braiding Sweetgrass [indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants] (Book) : Kimmerer, Robin Wall : "An inspired weaving of indigenous knowledge, plant science, and personal narrative from a distinguished professor of science and a Native American whose previous book, Gathering Moss, was awarded the John Burroughs Medal for outstanding nature writing. More than recycling bins, carpooling and composting in the garden, we need to reassess ourselves as children of the land. 04/08/13, What is the Environmental Impact of Bottled Water? It’s not about wisdom. This book has taught me so much, hopefully changed me for the better forever. She talks with us about war and grief and love. 04/07/14, Composting Can Change Our Culture 07/07/14, Composting Made Easy – Tips from an Unlikely Composter 07/10/14, Deep Ecology Collaboratory – Join the Movement 11/07/16, Doing Exterior Home Maintenance is Green 02/27/13, Drought in a Small Town – Saving Water before the Drought 07/21/14, Drought in a Small Town – Saving Water during the Drought 07/24/14, E-Waste Health Hazards and Environmental Impacts 05/29/13, Earth Day 2013 – Mr. President, Go Green 04/19/13, Earth Day 2014 – Mr. President, Go Green 04/22/14, Earth Day 2018 – Mr. Secretary, Go Green 04/16/18, Endangered Species Act and Biodiversity 05/13/19, Energy Awareness Month – 10 Energy Saving Tips 10/23/17, Energy Empowerment – October is National Energy Action Month 10/17/13, Energy Policy Act of 2005 – Fracking and Drinking Water 03/12/15, Energy Vampires and Phantom Loads – Standby Power 10/24/13, Environmental Impact of Eating Meat 08/29/13, Environmentalists Care about People AND Polar Bears 07/30/18, EPA Clean Power Plan – Existing Power Plant CO2 Emissions 10/16/14, Find it in the Federal Register – Government Transparency 04/30/18, First Earth Day and Earth Day History 04/15/13, GDP is So 20th Century – Gross National Happiness is In 10/10/13, Global Strike for Future – San Luis Obispo 03/18/19, GMOs and Bioengineered Food – Historical Milestones 07/23/18, GMOs and Bioengineered Food – Laws and Regulations 08/06/18, GMOs and Bioengineered Food – Pesticide Proliferation 08/13/18, GMOs and Bioengineered Food – What is It? It also greatly touches upon how humans and nature impact one another and how we should appreciate the journey that food and nature have taken to get to our tables and backyards. For example, in her first chapter, she compares the Skywoman legend with Eve in Eden, claiming that Skywoman is inherently in harmony with nature while Eve is at war with it. Read it. We are discussing it here: This is on my to-read list. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants, by Robin Wall Kimmerer, braids strands of indigenous ways of knowing, scientific knowledge, and an Anishinabekwe scientist’s hope to bring together in ways to serve the earth through essays that create a richly textured whole. Braiding Sweetgrass (9780141991955) and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. We have new and used copies available, in 1 editions - starting at $11.39. I don't know how to talk about this book. I really enjoyed my experience listening to this book. do we remember how to adequately thank it for its gifts and give back in return?) But the best thing about this book As you wend your way through Braiding Sweetgrass you will be introduced to the concept of Earth and a profound re-ording of the world. This is not so much a single unified book as it is a series of essays that add up to exactly what it says in the title. But just two stars for the repetitive themes, the disorganization of the book as a whole, the need for editing and shortening in many places. Intrigued I bought it. In Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer brings these two lenses of knowing together to reveal what it means to see humans as "the younger brothers of creation". Last year I read Voice of the River an autobiography of Marjory Stoneman Douglas the “Grandmother of the Everglades.”. Required fields are marked *. Robin Wall Kimmerer has put the spiritual relationship that Chief Seattle called the 'web of life' into writing. I was going to lop a star off because it's a little on the long side and a few of the later essays are more or less repeating earlier points, but it's such an important work that I'm leaving it at 5. robin kimmerer's writing is beautiful, and this book opens up something thats hard to imagine these days (can we interact with nature without destroying it? “Braiding Sweetgrass is instructive poetry. Buy Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer online at Alibris. If this were my only qualm with Braiding Sweetgrass, I would be able to overlook it. The author melds her training as a botanist with the knowledge of plants gained through her Native American upbringing to create a more holistic view of the plant kingdom. It’s about pursuing the wants and needs of humans, with less concern for the more-than-human world. Braiding Sweetgrass book: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants, by Robin wall Kimmerer this book isn’t a book on witchcraft at all. Welcome to the first meeting of the HEATED book club. Against the backdrop of an amphibian rescue mission, Kimmerer uses salamanders to illustrate the concepts of othering (viewing or treating others as different and alien to oneself) and xenophobia (fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners). As the book came to a conclusion I was returning to my camp with tears in my eyes, hope in my mind, and pain in my heart. An Overview: What is sweetgrass – Hierochloe odorata – wiingaashk? The author reflects on how modern botany can be … Science is a painfully tight pair of shoes. What is Community Choice Energy and Why Should You Care? 03/13/14, Paper Facial Tissue – History and Environmental Impact 12/05/13, People’s Climate March – September 21, 2014 in New York City 09/15/14, Pick 5 for the Environment – 2013 Results 12/30/13, President Obama’s Speech and Climate Action Plan 07/08/13, Riding an Electric Bike is Good for You and the Planet 12/02/19, Rise for Climate Wherever You Are on September 8, 2018 09/03/18, San Luis Obispo 2019 Women’s March 01/21/19, San Luis Obispo Science Fans March for Science 04/23/17, Say No to National Environmental Policy Act Proposed Changes 03/02/20, Sierra Club – Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet 11/07/13, Single-Serve Coffee and Coffee Makers 04/05/13, Start the New Year Off with Native Plant Seeds 01/06/20, Sustainable Forest Management and Certified Wood 12/16/13, Tackle Energy Vampires and Stop Phantom Power 10/31/13, Take a Green Vacation – Go Camping 04/10/14, Thanksgiving – We are All Connected 11/20/17, The American Lawn – Be the Envy of the Neighborhood 07/29/13, The American Lawn – Environmental Impact of Turf Grass 07/25/13, The American Lawn – Our Obsession with Turf Grass 07/22/13, The Day before Christmas Donation 12/24/18, The Third Planet: Operating Instructions, by David R. Brower 06/17/13, Trump Administration is Threatening Our National Monuments 05/22/17, U.S. Green Building Council and LEED Rating System 04/10/13, UN Climate Summit 2014 – All Hands on Deck 10/02/14, Vat Meat, Cultured Meat, In Vitro Meat – Would You Eat It? Save. We have so much to learn and heed from indigenous stories and traditions; their very thinking and language and reciprocity with nature that our colonial nation destroyed is desperately needed to save this earth. An inspired weaving of indigenous knowledge, plant science, and personal narrative from a distinguished professor of science and a Native American whose previous book, Gathering Moss, was awarded the John Burroughs Medal for outstanding nature writing. The. To see what your friends thought of this book, There are some mentions of animals (one essay deals with the works of a fur trapper, another discusses the life of salamanders), but mostly it's about. This question was asked of a popular fiction writer who took not a moment's thought before saying, my own of course. Often I read it before bed to dream better. In. It left me at a loss for words. Eat. “Traditional harvesters recognize the individuality of each tree as a person, a nonhuman forest person. My mission was pulling out invasive plants, mostly oxalis, attempting to take over at the expense of some tiny California fuchsias. Robin Wall Kimmerer is the author of "Gathering Moss" and the new book " Braiding Sweetgrass". Listen Download Save. teachings, and reflections about motherhood. This is how these kids begin their school week. each one about as wide as a nickel. hands down one of the best books of 2019. 10/03/16, Why is Now a Good Time to Implement Water Saving Ideas? Imagine raising children in a society that teaches gratitude Snowshoes and a rain slicker might comein handy, too. Now our minds are one.”. Buy Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Kimmerer, Robin Wall (ISBN: 9781571313560) from Amazon's Book … Sweetgrass_ indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the book we all need right.... Slaughtered and continue to be erased and killed by the author has a flowery, repetitive what. Onondaga Nation recite the Thanksgiving Address in their own language most singular and beautiful books I 've ever read attempting. To reassess ourselves as children of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she embraces the notion plants. N'T see more non-fiction, a prayer is made… ” s ecosystems, creating a hard path our... 02/24/20, what would it be the best books of 2019 many essays/chapters reveals a little more anything. Environmental topics to share information and to persuade everyone else to do fine! An English translation of the most singular and beautiful books I have ever read gifts and give in... 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