As a preventive to its attacks the copper sulphate sprays and a solution (50%) of iron sulphate have been found very useful, as well as care in planting on well-drained soil that does not lie too low, the disease seldom appearing in dry, well-exposed vineyards. While engaged on this task he died, worn out with disease, on the 3rd of March 1703 in London, and was buried in St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate Street. He emphasized how little was known about the, 13. The resistance was well maintained in succeeding generations, and races so raisedDform a practical means of combating this serious disease. This theory of disease disappeared sooner than did the belief in possession; the energumens (EVEp-yoiwEvoc) of the early Christian church, who were under the care of a special clerical order of exorcists, testify to a belief in possession; but the demon theory of disease receives no recognition; the energumens find their analogues in the converts of missionaries in China, Africa and elsewhere. The terrible losses sustained by whole communities of farmers, planters, foresters, &c., from plant diseases have naturally stimulated the search for remedies, but even now the search is too often conducted in the spirit of the believer in quack medicines, although the agricultural world is awakening to the fact that before any measures likely to be successful can be attempted, the whole chain of causation of the disease must be investigated. He emphasized how little was known about the, 30. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Let’s begin Kidney disease in cats Examples of diseases in a sentence: 1. In 1883 foot-and-mouth disease was terribly rampant amongst the herds and flocks of Great Britain, and was far more prevalent than it has ever been since. The acetate and the citrate are valuable mild diuretics in Bright's disease and in feverish conditions, and by increasing the amount of urine diminish the pathological fluids in pleuritic effusion, ascites, &c. In tubal nephritis they aid the excretion of fatty casts. Religion is a foolish aberration , a mental disease. beet-rot, turnip disease, wet-rot of potatoesthat we have to consider each case separately. 10. Here we recognize the true Greek But this artistic completeness was closely connected with the third cardinal virtue of Hippocratic medicine - the clear recognition of disease as being equally with life a process governed by what we should now call natural laws, which could be known by observation, and which indicated the spontaneous and normal direction of recovery, by following which alone could the physician succeed. March 31, 2019 The most valuable intellectual possession was a large mass of recorded observations in individual cases and epidemics of disease. Histologically, Peyronie's disease causes inflammation that results in collagen deposition and the formation of fibrous plaques. Here he was attacked by Wellington (March 29) and, after a further engagement at Sabugal (April 3, 1811), he fell back through Ciudad to Salamanca, having lost in Portugal nearly 30,000 men, chiefly from want and disease, and 6000 in the retreat alone. When the pancreas is excised in an animal, or when it is destroyed in man by disease, grape-sugar appears in the urine. One of his great merits is that he was the first to dissociate medicine from priestcraft, and to direct exclusive attention to the natural history of disease. 7. A diseased organism commonly exhibits signs or symptoms indicative of its abnormal state. According to this celebrated theory, the body contains four humours - blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, a right proportion and mixture of which constitute health; improper proportions or irregular distribution, disease. Each pope, confronted by the spectre of Ne p otism. Here are some examples. Disease as an entity - as something to which all living matter is subject - is what the pathologist has to recognize and to investigate, and the practical application of the knowledge thus acquired follows as a natural consequence. The evolution of insect life in driving animals from feeding ranges and in the spread of disease probably has been a prime cause of extinction. His works have been much admired for the purity of the Greek style, and his accurate descriptions of disease; but, as he quotes no medical author, and is quoted by none before Alexander of Aphrodisias at the beginning of the 3rd century, it is clear that he belonged to no school and founded none, and thus his position in the chain of medical tradition is quite uncertain. As regards pulmonary disease, pneumonia has passed more and more definitely into the category of the infections: the modes of invasion of the lungs and pleura by tuberculosis has been more and more accurately followed; and the treatment of these diseases, in the spheres both of prevention and of cure, has undergone a radical change. Vaccines " are also used as a method of treatment during the progress of the disease. The Bible and other early writings mention diseases, such as rusts, mildews, and blights, that have caused famine and other drastic changes in the economy of nations since the dawn of recorded … Flies, which come mostly in summer, carry disease. Desperate diseases require desperate remedies. The drug is contra-indicated in all cases where the heart is already beating too slowly; in aortic incompetence - where the prolongation of diastole increases the amount of the blood that regurgitates through the incompetent valve; in chronic Bright's disease and in fatty degeneration of the heart - since nothing can cause fat to become contractile. 'Today, everybody is on the computer, everybody on the mobile.' Aphasia is a condition that robs you of the ability to communicate. Sections for Aphasia. I'm sure she caught that dreadful disease from one of them and it killed her. He appears to have leaned to mechanical explanations of the symptoms of disease, as was especially the case with inflammation, of which he gave the first rational, though necessarily inadequate, theory. To Thomas Addison's descriptions of certain anaemias, and of the disease of the suprarenal capsules which bears his name, something has been added; and W. By the laryngoscope, invented about 1850 by Manuel Garcia the celebrated singingmaster, and perfected by Johann Czermak (1828-1873) and others, the diseases of the larynx also have been brought into the general light which has been shed on all fields of disease; and many of them, previously known more or less empirically, submitted to precise definition and cure. In the department of abdominal disease progress has been made, not only in this enormous extension of means of cure by operative methods, but also in the verification of diagnosis. 15 people chose this as the best definition of disease: The definition of a disea... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. In heart disease the chief work of the latter half of the 19th century was, in the first quarter, such clinical work as that of William Stokes and Peter Mere Latham (1789-1875); and in the second quarter the fuller comprehension of the vascular system, central and peripheral, with its cycles and variations of blood pressure, venous and arterial. There is a slight difference and it means practically the … As we move out from that defined center, we come to disorders and disabilities—impairments of bodily systems that are brought about by injury, disease, or genetics. The most striking peculiarity of the empirics was that they rejected anatomy, regarding it as useless to inquire into the causes of things, and thus, as they contended, being the more minute in their observation of the actual phenomena of disease. leather or excrement, with leprosy, madness and any form of disease. Examples of chronic disease in a sentence, how to use it. As much despair as she felt for each of the forty-three deaths, there would be nothing but doom, disease, and death for her people if she did not stay alive. This law has important ethical and political bearings; but in the province of disease this advance of what may be compared to the interlocking of points and signals has had wide influence not only in altering our conceptions of disease, but also in enlarging our views of all perturbations of function. During the middle ages cattle and sheep were the chief farm animals, but the intermixture of stock consequent on the common-field system was a barrier to improvement in the breed and conduced to the propagation of disease. Their hostility to Captain Cook in 1774, which earned from him the name of Savage for the island, was due to their fear of foreign disease, a fear that has since been justified. The cause of medical materialism is the natural bias of physicians towards explaining the health and disease of mind by the health and disease of body. Francis died on the 31st of March 1547, of a disease of the urinary ducts according to some accounts, of syphilis according to others. But he lost 15,000 men in the course of his seven days' retreat, and 20% of the remainder became ineffective from disease contracted in the swamps of the Chickahominy, while enormous quantities of valuable stores at White House on the Pamunkey had been burnt to avoid seizure by the enemy. There are a number of warm mineral springs, containing principally salts of lime, used with success by both Arabs and Europeans in several kinds of disease. An analysis of the innumerable outbreaks in various parts of Europe indicates that the geological features of the affected districts play a less important part in the incidence of the disease than soil dampness. - The influence of different kinds of soil as a factor in the production of disease requires to be considered, in regard not only to the nature and number of the microorganisms they contain, but also to the amount of moisture and air in them and their capacity for heat. Spotted Leaves, &c.Discoloured spots or patches on leaves and other herbaceous parts are common symptoms of disease, and often furnish clues to identification of causes, though it must be remembered that no sharp line divides this class of symptoms from the preceding. The medicine had a potent effect on your, 23. Most people are not very well-informed about the, 20. Sedentary lifestyles are harmful. PSOROSPERMIASIS, the medical term for a disease caused by the animal parasites known as psorosperms or gregarinidae, found in the liver, kidneys and ureters. " On the 19th of April 1791 he died, worn out with suffering and disease. a. sedentary lifestyles are a result of harmful disease. The superintendent of the Ninth Census, 1870, presented a computation 01 the effects of this causefirst, through direct losses, by wounds or disease, either in actual service of the army or navy, or in a brief term following discharge; secondly, through the retardation of the rate of increase in the colored element, due to the privations, exposures and excesses attendant upon emancipation; thirdly, through the check given to immigration by the existence of war, the fear of conscription, and the apprehension abroad of results prejudicial to the national welfare. Medical science has never gauged, perhaps never enough set itself to gauge the intimate connexion between moral fault and disease. The kinds of disease due to these various agencies are very different. Disease in a Sentence Prev Word Next Word . prevalence of the disease, that it was thought the latter had been extirpated. The disease is due to poisoning by micro-organisms produced by deteriorated maize, and can be combated by care in ripening, drying and storing the maize. Louis Pasteur came along around this same time and proffered the germ theory of disease and a vaccine for rabies. The Heruli remained heathen until the overthrow of their kingdom, and retained many striking primitive customs. (It is fair to say that these views were published in one of his later works.) In the early 1900s, we learned about blood types, vitamins, and Alzheimer's disease, and invented the electrocardiograph. Living at the time he did, when the doctrines of the humoral pathologists were carried to an extreme extent, and witnessing the ravages which disease made on the solid structures of the body, it was not surprising that he should oppose a doctrine which appeared to him to lead to a false practice and to fatal results, and adopt one which attributed more to the agency of the solids and very little to that of the fluids of the body. Synonyms: illness, condition, complaint, upset More Synonyms of disease More Synonyms of disease The causes of disease may be provisionally classified somewhat as follows, but it may he remarked at the outset that no one of these proximal causes, or agents, is ever solely responsible; and it is very easy to err in attributing a diseased condition to any of them, unless the relative importance of primary and subordinate agencies is discoverable. The doctor ruled out an infection and told the healthy man that he wasn’t sick or ill in any way. Author's Note: 10 Diseases That Used to Be Death Sentences. (d) To notify all new diseases of plants which may appear in any part of the world, indicating the districts affected, the spread of the disease, and, if possible, the efficacious means of resistance. He bore the acute agony of the disease which killed him with manly patience, and he died piously at the Escorial on the 13th of September 1598. " The diseased stems should be removed and burned before the leaves fall; as the bulb is not attacked the plant will start growth next season free from disease. disease and misery which usually attend the collision between natives and civilization of the trader's type being introduced. Mother, they are now stricken with disease and sorrow. During the last two years of his life Ruiz Zorilla became less active; failing health and the loss of his wife had decreased his energies, and the Madrid government allowed him to return to Spain some months before he died at Burgos, on the 1 3 th of June 1895, of heart disease. Carbolic acid is an efficient parasiticide, and is largely used in destroying the fungus of ringworm and of the skin disease known as pityriasis versicolor. The purpose of the research is to try and and find out more about the causes of the, 29. Among charitable institutions are the Royal Alexandra Infirmary, the Victoria Eye Infirmary (presented by Provost Mackenzie in 1899), the burgh asylum at … His frame was sickly and wasted with disease, yet when clad in his red cardinal's. The term " pathogenesis " has reference to the generation and development of disease, and that of " aetiology," in its present bearing, has to do with its causes. But whatever merits they had as clarifiers of turbid water, the advent of bacteriology, and the recognition of the fact that the bacteria of certain diseases may be water-borne, introduced a new criterion of effectiveness, and it was perceived that the removal of solid particles, or even of organic impurities (which were realized to be important not so much because they are dangerous to health per se as because their presence affords grounds for suspecting that the water in which they occur has been exposed to circumstances permitting contamination with infective disease), was not sufficient; the filter must also prevent the passage of pathogenic organisms, and so render the water sterile bacteriologically. Numinous: In a … Examples of how to use “coronary heart disease” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs The "intestine movement of particles" in every body, or fermentation, was the explanation of many of the processes of life and disease. The decrease of the disease is a direct result of the efforts made to combat it, in the form of special hospitals or pellagrosarf, economic kitchens, rural bakeries and maize-drying establishments. While thus rejecting all the lessons of morbid anatomy and pathology, he put forward views respecting the causes of disease which hardly bear to be seriously stated. Hydrophobia is one of the most subtle diseases ever known. We will discuss the molecular machines called nanites—tiny, molecular-sized robots that will swim around in your body fighting disease, repairing damage, and alerting you to problems (and will likely dramatically increase the human lifespan). Besides this it was important only to consider whether the disease was acute or chronic, whether it was increasing, declining or stationary. Yellow fever (which first appeared in Cuba in 1647) was long the only epidemic disease, Havana being an endemic focus. No remedy is known for the disease, and cotton should not be planted on infected land for at least three or four years. " This disease, which at a later period became known as " pebrine " - a name given to it by de Quatrefages, one of its many investigators - had first been noticed in France at Cavaillon in the valley of the Durance near Avignon. FAITH HEALING, a form of "mind cure," characterized by the doctrine that while pain and disease really exist, they may be neutralized and dispelled by faith in Divine power; the doctrine known as Christian Science holds, however, that pain is only an illusion and seeks to cure the patient by instilling into him this belief. 'There is very less physical activity.' Most infectious diseases are species-specific—that is, a disease such as parvovirus, which affects dogs, will not affect humans. But he was then a busy teacher, was growing old, and suffered from a disease in the stomach for a considerable time before it proved fatal at the age of sixty-three. The drug is largely employed in cases of Bright's disease and dropsy from any cause, being especially useful when the liver shares in the general venous congestion. Learn Ludwig. A lower respiratory infection is an infection in your airways and lungs. control of a disease. Lower respiratory infections. 2. Given all this, do you really believe this disease still has a chance? If he could get potent drugs to cure disease he was content, and he worked very hard in an empirical way to make them. And cause all who communicate to receive a drug of life for healing of every disease and empowering of all moral advance and virtue.". Predators have a beneficial effect on the health of their prey, in that they often eat the old or diseased animals, thereby keeping the species strong. Aphasia typically occurs suddenly after a stroke or a head injury. 15 people chose this as the best definition of disease: The definition of a disea... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. Genetic diseases in a sentence - Use "genetic diseases" in a sentence 1. The phrases contract a disease and contact a disease are often confused, but only one of these terms is correct. Now let's look at how the Internet will help end disease in a more traditional, suit-and-tie kind of way. From faulty proportions of the same arose the intemperies (" distempers"), which, though not diseases, were the occasions of disease. Several genetic diseases may be the result of splice site mutations. The most destructive form of fungoid disease 1. Another word for disease. Rheumatism on the Atlantic seaboard, and malaria on both coasts, are the commonest forms of disease; but, as a whole, Costa Rica is one of the healthiest of tropical lands. After this every portion of the animal is thoroughly examined, for if there is any organic disease the devout Jew cannot taste the meat. Find more ways to say diseases, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. A similar disease which of late has frequently been found in England, and which is ascribed to the fungus Gloeosporium ampelophagum, is very similar to it. At that date this disease was stamped out by energetic measures on the part of the government, but it has reappeared again in recent years, introduced apparently from India or Persia by pilgrims. Boll rot," or "Anthracnose," is a disease which may at times be sufficiently serious to destroy from ro to 50% of the crop. The first disease investigated by Pasteur was that of chicken cholera, an epidemic which destroyed io% of the French fowls; after the application of the preventive method the death-rate was reduced to below i %. Bainbridge suggests that a retention of metabolic products may cause the oedema in renal disease, Bradford having previously shown that loss of a certain amount of renal tissue caused retention of metabolic products in the tissues. Lipidosis, Aleutian mink disease virus, and catarrhal enteritis also were diagnosed in the mink. Source null; The World Health Organization uses the term pandemic to refer to geographic spread rather than severity. It includes five books; of which the first and second treat of physiology, pathology and hygiene, the third and fourth deal with the methods of treating disease, and the fifth describes the composition and preparation of remedies. He seems to have touched at the island of Tortugas, so named on account of the large number of turtles found there, and to have landed at several places, but many of his men succumbed to disease and he himself was wounded in an Indian attack, dying soon afterward in Cuba. 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