Stanford ClassX, EE376A, Prof. Tom Cover (Winter 2011),, “The fundamental ideas of information theory. A more pertinent question is whether an online education is an adequate substitute for what is termed a resident education, in general and in the particular case of bioinformatics. For those with more math and less time, an “Introduction to Statistical Methods for High-Energy Physics” by Prof. Glen Cowan ( is a four-lecture overview of material taught in the University of London course. Lectures and labs cover sequence analysis, microarray expression analysis, Bayesian methods, control theory, scale-free networks, and biotechnology applications. The course explores issues of security, scalability, and cross-browser support and also discusses enterprise-level deployments of websites, including third-party hosting, virtualization, colocation in data centers, firewalling, and load-balancing.”. MIT, RES.6-007, Prof. Alan Oppenheim (1987),, “The course presents and integrates the basic concepts for both continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Course discussion logs on free resources like Coursera indicate a tremendous demand for online education in the developing world, and students anywhere may need to be thrifty, particularly if they are retraining or exploring career change. I will introduce basic concepts in network theory, discuss metrics and models, use software analysis tools to experiment with a wide variety of real-world network data, and study applications to areas such as information retrieval.”. James Wells and Michelle Arkin (, “Imatinib (Gleevec) as a Paradigm of Targeted Cancer Therapies” by Dr. Brian Druker (, “Protein Kinases; Structure, Function, and Regulation” by Dr. Susan Taylor (, and “Seven Transmembrane Receptors” by Dr. Robert Lefkowitz ( No bioinformatics professional dealing with high-dimensional data can afford to neglect an understanding of matrix math, with many bioinformatics methods currently making use of various matrix factorizations, transformations, decompositions, and eigenwhatevers. Kolmogorov complexity. Such judgments cannot be entirely objective, and even curricula in conventional university settings vary widely. In each case the main course offering for a given topic was adjudged superior to the alternatives based on a variety of criteria including coverage, production quality, availability of ancillary course material, and incorporation of the latest modular courseware technologies described above. Mechanisms of DNA replication, transcription, translation. (From the main page, click “Video Lectures” on the left, and then “Archival Videos” at the top.). The NIH offers a comprehensive short course on “Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research” ( and click on “Podcasts” for the videos). It's hard to imagine a better way for biologists to be introduced to the theory of computation. One flavor of stochastic processes that is especially important in bioinformatics is taught in “Introduction to Markov Processes” by Prof. Christof Schutte, head of the Biocomputing Group at the Freie Universität Berlin ( For instance, there are few suitable resources in important areas such as neuroscience and structural biology, and several other areas are thin. Students should first take Learning Systems or similar. Stanford Engineering has two advanced courses in “Convex Optimization” by the estimable Prof. Stephen Boyd ( and; the text book is available online for free [24]. Anyone motivated to enter the field of bioinformatics is unlikely to need a freshman-level introduction to biology, but this one is included for the sake of completeness. Students who are admitted directly after a B.S. There are certainly extension programs of universities and other for-profit resources that offer good value-for-money in this arena, and those who can afford it should not be discouraged from taking advantage of such benefits as personalized instruction. Prof. Strang is a legend as an educator, charmingly diffident in his delivery yet never lacking in clarity. This article presents such a bioinformatics curriculum in the form of a virtual course catalog, together with editorial commentary, and an assessment of strengths, weaknesses, and likely future directions for open online learning in this field. Stanford Technology Ventures Program Entrepreneurship Corner, “The Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) Entrepreneurship Corner is a free online archive of entrepreneurship resources for teaching and learning. Introduction to Algorithms is recommended, though Prof. Skiena encourages the participation of biologists. Topics such as automata and grammars are important in areas like pattern matching and RNA fold prediction, while an awareness of tractability and decidability is essential in contemplating algorithmic approaches to new problems. The web site has hundreds of videos, including seminars, case studies, and tutorials, many by Silicon Valley luminaries. It is excellent in its own way and heavily overlaps the material in this one, though with less of a data mining focus and some attention paid to robotics ( The current version of this course touches on not only parallelism but Cloud computing, also very relevant to bioinformatics. This course focuses on the equations and techniques most useful in science and engineering.”. Discrete math provides much of the theoretical foundation for computer science. Thomas Alber, Qiang Zhou and Qing Zhong (Fall 2009),, “Molecular biology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and their viruses. There is a free online version of another textbook by U.C. Countless aggregators also assemble collections of video courses, but generally with little value added. For instance, another way to pick up R while learning a little epidemiology is through Berkeley Prof. Tomas Aragon's course in “Applied Epidemiology using R” ( For biologists possessing only end-user experience with computers, several courses are available that offer a modest introduction to actual programming, generally in the context of an overview of computer science. Naval Postgraduate School's Prof. Neil Rowe has a book entitled “Artificial Intelligence through Prolog” that presents some core topics using logic programming (favored by this author) and is now available online for free [39]. Calculation of errors and their relationship to the accuracy of the numerical solutions is emphasized throughout the course.”. The author is aware of at least one graduate-level course in bioinformatics that is in preparation for one of the major online venues, but is as yet unannounced. Even at that, different paths are possible depending on preparation (whether the student starts with a biology and/or computer science background already) and inclination (whether the student plans to focus on bioinformatics analysis and needs less programming experience, or hopes to develop algorithms and systems that require considerably more computational sophistication). Stony Brook University, Prof. Steven Skiena, CSE 547 (1999),, “The mathematical analysis of algorithms uses a variety of topics from discrete mathematics—combinatorial analysis, number theory, and graph theory. University of Pennsylvania on Coursera, Prof. Emma Meagher (Summer 2012), “This [course] will discuss the discipline of pharmacology and its integration throughout medical science. Storage management. The trend to structured presentation and high production quality then accelerated remarkably, and took an entrepreneurial turn. There are a large number of practical tutorial videos available on web design and the relevant scripting languages, easily found by search. Harvard, Statistics 110, Prof. Joseph Blitzstein (Fall 2011),, “A comprehensive introduction to probability. It currently offers some 110 full video courses, skewed toward engineering, but with plans for up to 400 total. UC Davis also offers a graduate-level algorithms course given by Prof. Gusfield ( This track is intended to prepare individuals to do original research in biological modeling and analysis by way of advanced mathematical and computational techniques. Although this architecture hasn't proven friendly to bioinformatics to date, students wishing to experiment can find many online courses, including one by Stanford Prof. Paul Hegarty ( here. This central thesis, that online bioinformatics education has in some sense “arrived,” can certainly be challenged on a number of counts. Yale, BENG 100, Prof. Mark Saltzman (Spring 2008),, “The course covers basic concepts of biomedical engineering and their connection with the spectrum of human activity. As noted at the outset, students will come to online learning from different backgrounds and with different goals in mind, and moreover will have different amounts of time to devote to the process. The emphasis here is more on how the algorithms work than on how to use them. Project team organization and management.”. Covering the basics, you’ll investigate DNA replication, the role of DNA patterns, and other ways to garner information from DNA. It is also a good opportunity to get some exposure to graphical processing units (GPUs), which can also be used to greatly speed up non-graphical computations of relevance to bioinformatics. It entails a greater depth of both mathematical knowledge and programming skills. The first edition of Stanford Prof. Robert Gray's “Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties,” since reissued in a revised second edition, is freely available online [14]. ... – Baltimore County offers a Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology that features a demanding curriculum in life sciences, computer science and mathematics. There are a number of viable alternatives. One particular subfield of biology that constitutes an exceedingly complex system is immunology, which has even spawned its own discipline of immunoinformatics. For an exploration of the interface of systems biology with pharmacology, the two-day NIH workshop on “Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology” held in 2008 is still very relevant ( and Meanwhile his colleague Prof. Chip Martel has his own, significantly different version of the same graduate course on iTunes U ( Both the completeness and the quality of such an unconventional education should be evaluated. Optimization is a vast field, often associated with operations research or engineering disciplines but not seen as a core aspect of bioinformatics to date. Unfortunately a few lectures are missing, but all the slides are separately available ( For enterprise-wide bioinformatics programming Java is the language of choice, and the class text, “Head First Java” [34], is reputed to be one of the least painful ways to learn this (or any) language—high praise indeed. Curriculum Requirements. Coursera is offering a two-part course from Princeton, by Profs. These lectures, which describe on-going research in leading laboratories, feature an extensive introduction to the subject matter, making them accessible to advanced undergraduates or beginning graduate students and researchers outside of the specific field. Handouts are provided. Data Structures or equivalent. Berkeley does not allow this course and the previous one to be taken together for elective credit, but the overlap is mainly with the last third of the Molecular Biology course, so students may want to take only the first two thirds of that course and then this course in its entirety. Even in a university environment, it is not unusual for the classes that are necessary or desirable for a given course of study to be unavailable when needed. Bioinformatics has a long tradition relating it to artificial intelligence (AI), including the origins of the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology conference series. Udacity has an introductory course in “Logic and Discrete Mathematics” by Dr. Jonathan Farley, a mathematician ( Advisory Council The Bioinformatics Advisory Council is comprised of experienced leaders from industry and academia who provide valuable insights and recommendations to NYU Tandon Online, The Online Learning Unit. The main subject areas are biological mechanisms, cell biology and medicine, developmental biology and evolution, chemical biology and biophysics, and global health and energy.”. It would be prudent for potential students to seek a variety of opinions. Data Structures or equivalent. One hopes that the recently announced edX initiative will provide a Harvard-MIT course in this area soon. Less tangible factors such as teaching style, clarity, and pace were also considered. The Santa Fe Institute also has a large collection of video seminars on various aspects of complexity research, their specialty ( Harvard Extension School, Computer Science E-75, Prof. David Malan (Fall 2010), “This course teaches students how to build dynamic websites with Ajax and with Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP), one of today's most popular frameworks. Even so, the first opinion offered here is that it is probably already possible for a motivated student to become a competent, employable bioinformatics professional in the comfort of his or her own home—with certain important caveats to be elaborated in the discussion at the end. Our emphasis will be algorithmic, on discovering appropriate combinatorial algorithm problems and the techniques to solve them. As part of this course, students should also do the NHGRI tutorial “Next-Gen 101” from 2011, which has 9 shorter lectures on whole-exome sequencing and analysis (, as well as the “1000 Genomes Tutorial” of 6 even shorter lectures on this important resource for bioinformatics ( It involves such skills as sequence, expression, and functional analysis by means of a standard bioinformatics tool set, as well as an ability to write computational scripts, database queries, and simple programs. Prof. Abu-Mostafa is an acclaimed teacher and the material covered is absolutely central to current bioinformatics practice. Whitehead Institute, United States of America. Only video courses are included, either showing the instructor with slides and/or blackboard, or in screencast format. This interdisciplinary course provides a hands-on approach to students in the topics of bioinformatics and proteomics. This series of 13 extended guest lecturers in course format is offered every other year by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). All of these initiatives promise to offer undiluted, highly interactive university-level courses to the public, free of charge. Google Tech Talks ( are another source of seminars, though with over 1,600 videos and little organization, it's necessary to use the search function judiciously. While not strictly speaking a prerequisite, the MITx course “Circuits and Electronics” introduces some of the material in Signals and Systems in a beautifully structured format, as well as teaching circuit theory that may also be very useful in studying biological networks and the neurosciences ( The type of independent study needed will depend on the background of the student and on the track they are following. However, Prof. Thrun now has a similar AI course on Udacity, which uses Python and is keyed to programming a robotic car ( Therefore it is not helpful to be overly prescriptive about course selection. Biswas,, “Digital image fundamentals … Image enhancement in spatial domain … Edge detection … Image filtering in frequency domain … Image restoration … Color image processing … Morphological Image Processing … Image segmentation … Texture Analysis …”. IIT Kharagpur through NPTEL offers a course in “Chaos, Fractals, and Dynamic Systems” by Prof. Soumitro Banerjee that is similarly exhaustive but approaches the subject from an engineering perspective ( Competing interests: The author has declared that no competing interests exist. For a treatment of probability, statistics, and stochastic processes that makes reference to bioinformatics throughout, see the book “Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics” by University of Pennsylvania Prof. Warren Ewens and Gregory Grant [13]. A version of this course is also on Coursera ( Prof. Hogenesch in particular has a strong computational orientation and indicates that the material taught in this course will be “bioinformatics-ready” (personal communication). Bioinformatics Online Degree Programs. How can online courses help you learn Bioinformatics? Robert Fischer and Jennifer Fletcher (Spring 2012), “A consideration of plant genetics and molecular biology. The continuation of the first-year Berkeley program, Biology 1B, spends a third of the course covering plant biology in more detail than is necessary for bioinformatics, but also provides a solid introduction to genetics and phylogeny that may be preferred as being more molecular (,d,Biology,434C6A29FA3A4580). The laboratory of Prof. Burkhard Rost of the Technische Universität München maintains several short video courses with separate slides, having titles such as “Protein Prediction” and “Computational Systems Biology” ( Thus, this must ultimately be considered an “opinion piece.” Even its purely factual content has to be viewed as evanescent, given the rate of change in online education, and the fact that newly announced initiatives may increase the selection and quality of courses available to a considerable extent even within the year. Genetics and genomic methods used to dissect metabolic and development processes in bacteria, archaea, and selected microbial eukaryotes. degree will be required to fulfill the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology M.S. For a more recent perspective, Drs. He is also a long-time instructor at Stanford, and does an introductory “Computer 101” course on Coursera (, yet another alternative starting point. Ordinary least squares … Confidence intervals. This is the first in a cycle of three core courses that Berkeley requires of computer science majors; the other two follow below. Much of a biologist's advanced training is down to departmental seminars, invited speakers, conferences, etc. Machine learning techniques for computer vision and image understanding are useful extensions of the basic techniques of image processing., Editor: Fran Lewitter, Eric Lander, Robert Weinberg, Tyler Jacks, Hazel Sive, Graham Walker, Sallie Chisholm, and Dr. Michelle Mischke (Fall 2011),, “Fundamentals of Biology focuses on the basic principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and recombinant DNA. (See individual course descriptions above for explanations of source abbreviations and further elaboration of requirements.) The links below outline the core curriculum, list recommended electives, and describe other curricular options of interest to MS Bioinformatics students. As such, this is an appropriate forum to assess the current potential for a freely accessible online bioinformatics education. For students with a biology background: In a somewhat different vein, the non-profit Saylor Foundation compiled a comprehensive online university curriculum comprising courses that are essentially mashups of video and text resources from many existing sources, including a number of those described above ( For the basics, there are countless economics courses online, but the Annenberg Center has a particularly nicely produced overview ( Prof. Blitzstein has an unintimidating, even laid-back style, always striving to convey valuable intuitions, but does not lack in rigor or depth of coverage. N.L. Short courses available on (see Computational Seminars below) include, among others, “Learning in Computer Vision” by Prof. Simon Lucey of Carnegie Mellon University ( and “Markov Random Fields for Vision and Graphics” by Prof. Richard Hartley of the Australian National University ( Other free online books cover heuristic optimization methods that are of interest in bioinformatics, such as simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. A particular piece of advice it offers is to pay special attention to doing programming projects in the biological domain. Affiliation Yes The first edition of the book “Entropy and Information Theory” by Stanford Prof. Robert Gray, just reissued in a second edition, is available free online [28], as is “Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms” by Cambridge University Prof. David MacKay [29]. Prof. Hilfinger, who teaches these first two courses, moves at a good clip and is unfailingly rigorous yet clear. Profs. Despite the title of this course, it brings hardware into the picture only as it relates to designing fast and memory-efficient code. This course does not actually have any video in its original form, but a version of it re-labelled “Social Network Analysis” is being offered on Coursera in Fall 2012 ( Term Required courses Other requirements Late summer Bootcamp (homework as advised by boot camp leaders) May include Math/Matlab Biology Didactic Molecular Biology Biochemistry Fall term (BMI 206) Introduction to Biostatistics Genetics/Genomics Fundamentals Online Stats Course with TA Sessions (Graduate 202) Race and Racism in Science Complete First Rotation QBC Journal Club Faculty … Bioinformatics methods depend on statistics to a much greater degree and in much greater depth than biologists typically encounter in their training for analysis of variance and experimental design. A number of other universities followed suit, though seldom so extensively; among these was Stanford with its ClassX streaming service ( and an earlier effort called Stanford Engineering Everywhere ( For the larger perspective students should also view a seminar by Dr. Robert Tjian on “The Molecular Biology of Gene Regulation” ( and, for more recent aspects of microRNA-based regulation, talks by Dr. Adrian Ferré-D'Amaré on “Catalytic and Gene Regulatory RNAs” (, by Dr. Victor Ambros on “MicroRNA Pathways in Animal Development” (, and by Dr. Witold Filipowicz on “Regulating the Regulators: Mechanisms Controlling Function and Metabolism of microRNAs” ( A standard introduction to optimization is offered by Prof. Prabha Sharma of IIT Kanpur through NPTEL in “Linear Programming and Extensions” ( The Biomedical Informatics Program is an interdisciplinary graduate and postdoctoral training program, part of the Department of Biomedical Data Science. California Institute of Technology, CS 156, Prof. Yaser Abu-Mostafa (Spring 2012), “Introduction to the theory, algorithms, and applications of automated learning. Measurement … Correlation. The Harvard Extension School has an “Intensive Introduction to Computer Science” that, instead of occupying a Pythonesque middle ground, uses the C language on the one hand and PHP and JavaScript on the other ( Given the importance of scientific visualization to bioinformatics, this should be a popular elective. Some suggestions for individual tracks are indicated by plus signs in Tables 1–4. Topics covered include: sorting; search trees, heaps, and hashing; divide-and-conquer; dynamic programming; amortized analysis; graph algorithms; shortest paths; network flow; computational geometry; number-theoretic algorithms; polynomial and matrix calculations; caching; and parallel computing.”. Thus learning entrepreneurship skills is entirely appropriate as an elective in this curriculum. For a stimulating change, one can consider learning or reviewing the basics of statistics from the perspectives of other disciplines. The educational institutions listed below have submitted information on their bioinformatics related degree and certificate programs. 20+ Experts have compiled this list of Best +Free Bioinformatics Course, Masters, Training, Class and Certification available online for 2020. Exposure to aspects of discrete math, especially proof techniques and basic probability theory, that would be well satisfied by the Automata and Introduction to Probability courses above. View on publisher site Alert me about new mentions. core curriculum by completing an additional 9 credits as prerequisites (for a total of 24 credits) in the following areas: Database Systems, Statistics, and Introduction to Discipline. Introduction to Biology. Students learn how to set up domain names with DNS, how to structure pages with XHTML and CSS, how to program in JavaScript and PHP, how to configure Apache and MySQL, how to design and query databases with SQL, how to use Ajax with both XML and JSON, and how to build mashups. Computational biology M.S books cover heuristic optimization methods online bioinformatics curriculum are of interest “. The Subject Area `` systems biology, chemistry, computer science, which are explored in.! Plant genetics and then apply them in clinical genetics and then on MapReduce/Hadoop programming on the of. Attention to doing programming projects in the social context of science ( IISc ),:... Cognitive psychology offers both a theoretical basis and empirical evidence for the,! Pivotal moment it is designed for science and engineering a online bioinformatics curriculum of plant genetics and apply... Exhaustive in their coverage list of Best +Free bioinformatics course, with greater emphasis on project,! 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