The study was carried out to assess teak plantation among farmers in Ose Local Government Area, Ondo State, Nigeria. The results of correlation showed positive relationships with most of the tree growth and yield characteristics but negative relationships exist between age and some parameters that is to say as the age increases those parameters are decreasing. Variables measured include total height, diameter at the base, middle, top, and diameter at the breast height were taken from 30 temporary sampled plots of 25x25 m approximately from the center, 180 dominant trees were selected from 712 trees. The first teak plantation outside Asia was introduced in Nigeria in 1902. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement, Teak (Tectona grandis) is a tropical hardwood tree species in the family Lamiaceae.It is a large, deciduous tree that occurs in mixed hardwood forests. like teak in Nigeria has been recognized since pre-colonial times and this has resulted in the planting of some plantations around existing natural forests with the planting of teak (Tectona grandis) and Gmelina (Gmelina arborea) being the most popular (Adejuwon and Ekanade, 1988). Wanted to market your Teak Plantation products globally? The data used in this study were obtained from six different age classes Firstly, seeds from India were used. It does well in tropical climates like ours and corporate individuals are really giving it a go. If you cut a 100 Hectares of teak plantation of 25 years old today, you will get 60.000 mature and big trees that sell value will be more than $ 6 millions dollars, only if you sell logs. In Africa, teak has been established in plantations in Nigeria (~70,000 ha), Côte d'Ivoire (~52,000 ha), Sierra Leone, the United Republic of Tanzania (~3,000 ha) and Togo (~4,500 ha). This study was conducted in order to estimate growth and volume production of Teak (Tectona grandis) in Kanya Forest Plantation, Nigeria. In Nigeria, teak was introduced in 1902 followed by Ghana in 1905 with seed originating from India. Trees within each plot were enumerated and measured. Find here details of companies selling Teak Plants, for your purchase requirements. In Nigeria, teak was introduced in 1902 followed by Ghana in 1905 with seed originating from India. Thinning refers to when some of the underperforming trees in the plantation are cut and sold prematurely, thus allowing the best trees to continue developing fully with more space and soil nutrients. Demands of teak especially from Indian and Chinese markets keep rising year by year. Plantations of teak are also widespread in the tropical Americas, where it was introduced early in the twentieth century. In our Agrotech plantation there are about 100,000 trees ranging from 10 to 25 years of age where each tree contains 0.75m 3 on average. We are empowering Nigeria by selling/leasing this oil palm plantation estate at a reasonable price anyone (student, retiree, worker etc) can own a plantation. Teak plantation management regimes vary between and within countries, mainly according to site-specific conditions and prevailing markets. Trees within each plot were enumerated and measured. It is one of the plants used for electricity poles and it can grow to timber sizes, which can be sawn and used as woods for furniture making. 1984. To this end, this paper contends that teak plantation development in Dormaa is only partially successful in terms of its sustainability. It comes from legal government plantations. In Nigeria, Osho (1983) developed a volume-estimation model from stump diameter for teak stands in Gambari Forest Reserve. Nigeria Teak Plantation Directory provides list of Made in Nigeria Teak Plantation Products supplied by reliable Nigeria Teak Plantation Manufacturers, Traders and Companies. Wanted to market your Teak Wood products globally? 1069, Borno State, Nigeria. Planting in what is now eastern Ghana (formerly Togoland) started around 1905 (Kadambi, 1972). Teak Plantation Investment: Investors considering an investment in forestry are of course advised to carry out due diligence and ensure that the teak plantation in which they intend to invest is well managed. In Nigeria, Osho (1983) developed a volume-estimation model from stump diameter for teak stands in Gambari Forest Reserve. Teak value addition is a promising investment opportunity. Teak was first introduced outside Asia in Nigeria in 1902 (Horne, 1966), with seed first from India and subsequently from Myanmar. The preliminary performance of teak crop when planted on … Plantations of teak are also widespread in the tropical Americas, where it was introduced early in the twentieth century. Currently, Myanmar, which exported much teak in the past and cut down productions of teak, will not be able to meet the demands. Teak trees can be harvested from the sixth year of planting. The total land area planted to tea is 1,200 ha. Rainfall decreases as one moves inland, with forest giving way to Savannah, and the most arid areas being located in the northernmost part of the country. Teak plantations have been popping up in Africa and Latin America for the past several decades. The Salween chainsaw massacre. Studies by Sanwo(1986) based on dominant, and subdominant trees from a 27 ?year-0ld Teak plantation in Nigeria showed that the rate of growth has no significant influence on specific gravity. Teak tree is one of the tropical plants that have wide and various uses. Traders of illusions and Teak sting. Latin America came along a bit later, but several countries have … management options and in developing improved teak plantation management practices that suit the specific needs of people in the present-day world (Evans and Turnbull 2004, p. 26). A yield model for teak plantation in southern Nigeria. 25 janvier. Growth and Volume Estimates of Teak (Tectona grandis Linn F.) in Kanya Forest Plantation, Kebbi State, Nigeria. So why wait, let us dive into detailed farming of teak wood.. Teak wood known as the king of timber belongs to the family Verbenaceae. Teak is extremely durable and weather-resistant. Tea Plantations, Mambilla, Taraba State, North Eastern Nigeria A total of 1,200 hectares of farmland is currently being cultivated for tea production on the Mambilla Plateau of Sardauna Local Government Area of Taraba State. But after the success of the Taungya method gained popularity, seeds from Myanmar were imported and used, and teak plantations in the country reached new levels of success. Firstly, seeds from India were used. Boards from plantation Teak are more likely to crack and warp as a result of the fast growth. Approximately 60 Acres are planted with 19 to 20 year old Teak plus another 20 to 25 Acres planted with a 4 to 10 year old mixture of Teak, Mahogany, Spanish cedar and other Local Hardwoods. Typically, however, it Persson (2003) has highlighted the ‘paradigm changes’ in global forestry, which came after industrial It is a fast-growing tree, but it must be allowed to mature for 10 to 15 years before it achieves its value. Africa saw the first major boom of teak plantations, in such countries as the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria. Get ready the pits measuring 45cm x 45cm x 45cm and keeping a space of 2m x 2m, 3m x 3m, or 4m x 4m prior to rainy season, given that seedlings should be planted during the rainy season. Seedlings are purchased from plant nursery operators and are transplanted to the already cleared and prepared land. The global teak plantation area recorded in 1990 was about 1.6 million ha (Hougs, unpublished data) which comprises 75 % of the high grade tropical hardwood plantations (Keogh, 1994). Five plots were randomly selected from each stratum. African plantation teak wood refers to the teak planted in Africa. Abayomi, J.O. Teak was intro-duced into Africa, in Nigeria, at the end of the 19th century, and into the Americas, in Trinidad, in 1913, but was not developed straightaway on either continent. Teak can grow within the Southern and middle belt of Nigeria. Teak was first planted in Nigeria in 1902, in Togoland (now Ghana) in 1905 and in the Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) in 1929 (Horne, 1966; Kadambi, 1972). Many teak investments can lead to residency and investor visas. There is high state responsibility to the attainment of environmental and timber revenue goals from the teak plantations. Its growth time is 15 to 25 years, as a result of which it is low in teak natural oils. We would advise investors to only buy into a plantation which uses the most advanced growing techniques and which has a proven track record of sustainable management. Department of Forestry and Wildlife, University of Maiduguri, P.M.B. Descriptive statistic was used to summarize the results while inferential statistic (correlation) was used to establish relationship growth and yield variables. Document présenté à la 14 e Conférence annuelle de la Forestry Association of Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Nigéria, 3-8 décembre. © Copyright 2010-Till Date, Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry. So, we need 20,000 seedlings in 20 acres land. In 1929, seeds obtained from Ghana were used to establish plantations in Ivory Coast [ 10 ]. Before preparing the pits for planting seedlings, land needs to be ploughed property for better soil aeration. 1998. The wood is golden when cut, eventually fading to reddish-brown. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, 3-8 December. 2346, Sokoto, Nigeria. Geologically, Figure 1. We can provide both FSC and non-FSC timber. In Africa, teak is typically viewed as one of the most exotic timber verities for plantation. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. 2014;81(1):13-31. I run an oil palm plantation estate. The plantation was divided in to six strata-based age classes (A=38, B=37, C=36, D=35, E=34, F=28, years). We maintain it over the period of palm life. of teak plantations in Nigeria. Teak plantations using the "taungya" method, in which a forest crop is established in temporary association with agricultural crops, were initiated in Myanmar in 1856 and in Indonesia around 1880. Even if Africa is not of origin of teak, teak plantations are thriving in African countries of Cote d’ivoire, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tanzania and Togo. Establishment of teak tree plantation farm is one of the investments that secure the future of the investors. However, its popularity has led to growth in sustainable plantation teak production throughout the seasonally dry tropics in forestry plantations. All rights reserved. Among all types of typical plantation species, teak has one of the highest economic values. 1998. With a case study of the Dormaa region in Ghana, this paper discusses how the sustainability of forest plantation development can be better appraised when target communities are considered heterogeneously. The climate in Nigeria is favourable for teak plantation establishment. Centeno, J.C. 1996. A yield model for teak plantation in southern Nigeria. The paper calls for an inductive approach to plantation development in Ghana that recognises the heterogeneity of the community of people affected, and which addresses the different conditions and possible implications of forest management for equitable benefits from the forests for all categories of people. This is the common name for the genus Milicia, in which there are two recognized species, which are closely related: Milicia excelsa and Milicia regia. Its true that most people do not know the profitability of oil palm. It is very light brown in color. In southwestern Nigeria,Tectona grandis(teak) is one of the most prominent species in the man-made forests. Typically, however, it is recommended that initial stocking rates be … Shamaki and Akindele (2013) also developed volume models from stump diameter for a teak plantation in Nimbia Forest Reserve. Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, Bayero University, P.M.B. Five plots were randomly selected from each stratum. Skovsgaard J, Vanclay JK. Teak wood is generally stronger at the upper and lower ends and comparatively weak at intermediate heights. ii The project paper, “Feasibility Of Teak Production For Smallholders In Eastern Panamá” is hereby approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER Teak wood plantation. But after the success of the Taungya method gained popularity, seeds from Myanmar were imported and used, and teak plantations in the country reached new levels of success. Even though teak is not indigenous to Africa, it’s widely grown in regions such as Côte d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tanzania and Togo. Teak trees do not believe in stocks market, they grow and grow every day. If a lot of people (group of small holders) do the same, then the … Dantani, A., Shamaki, S. B., Gupa, M. A., Zagga, A. I., Abubakar, B., Mukhtar, R. B., & Sa’idu, M. (2019). ETC owns plantations in South Sudan covering 18,640 hectares (46,060 acres), 1,319 hectares of which are under teak, according to its website. 10% of world plantations. © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Products; Suppliers; Buyers; Don't know your target market? The land surface is gently to strongly undulating with an average altitude ranging from about 120 to 480mabove sea level. Development of a site index equation for teak plantations in southwestern Nigeria. Volume, site index, site productivity, Basal area, DBH. This plantation in Dong Nai Province, southern Viet Nam, is one of the oldest teak plantations in the country - FAO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC/M. ... Nigeria, Ghana or Congo, produce “African teak”. This study was conducted in order to estimate growth and volume production of Teak (Tectona grandis) in Kanya Forest Plantation, Nigeria. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Planting activity intensified in the 1940s, across the Equatorias and Bahr el Ghazal. Teak plantations have been popping up in Africa and Latin America for the past several decades. Products; Suppliers; Buyers; Don't know your target market? The Forest Stewardship Council offers … Teak is a tropical hardwood used in high-end products such as yacht decks and luxury flooring. Initial plantings in West Africa were made using seed obtained from India, but it was soon learned that Burmese seed sources were superior in form and growth in the environments of West Africa. AKINDELE, S.O.1991. The plantation development offers opportunity for understanding the sustainability outcomes of forest plantation development in environmental, social, economic, and political terms. Teak is being grown in over 47% of plantations. Nigeria was about the first country in Africa to have introduced teak plantation to the continent in the earliest periods of the last century, around 1920 (Drechsel and Zech, 1994), then to Ghana in 1930 (von Hellermann, 2007 cited in Kalame et al., 2011: 520). Site index is defined as the total height of the dominant or co-dominant trees at an arbitrary index age, it is a method used for quantifying site quality for pure even-aged stands which is essential in growth and yield modelling. Teak Plantation by olufiz89: 10:28pm On Jan 27, 2015 Been trying to do some personal research on the viability of teak (tectona grandis) tree. Consumers purchasing teak may be fuelling conflict in South Sudan, a research group said warning armed groups are benefiting from an unregulated logging trade worth millions of dollars. Department of Forestry and Environment, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, P.M.B. Before preparing the pits for planting seedlings, land needs to be ploughed property for better soil aeration. The results of growth and yield values obtained from the dominant trees are (B=249.312 m3/ha, D=196.128 m3/ha, F=134.976 m3/ha, C=119.328 m3/ha, E=100.320 m3/ ha and A=86.976 m3/ha). From years 7-10, a well-run plantation will thin the trees, clearing the canopy and ground to allow for optimal room for growth for the remaining trees. Teak wood is generally stronger at the upper and lower ends and comparatively week at … Nigeria has been identified as one of the leading countries in teak production in Tropical Africa (Pandey, 1998), and teak plantation in Nigeria was predicted to increase geometrically (Ball et al., 1999). Akpan-Ebe (2017) however suggested that the Thus, African plantation teak wood is not as durable as Burma teak wood or Indonesian teak wood. Teak Wood Farming – A Step by Step Guide. Key elements for the proper development of the teak trees are well-timed thinning and pruning. Teak consumption raises a number of environmental concerns, such as the disappearance of rare old-growth teak. Nigeria has a tropical climate, with rainforest in the southernmost area nearest the ocean. of global teak plantations were in tropical Africa (largely in moist West Africa, particularly in Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria) and the remainder were in tropical America (mostly in Costa Rica and Trinidad and Tobago) and the Pacific Islands. Africa saw the first major boom of teak plantations, in such countries as the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria. In certain countries, on the other hand, the vogue for this species has been expanding constantly since 1960, and the annual increase in Nigeria is a large country in west Africa. Investors can further minimize their risk investing in teak trees plantation at a point in time when the trees are established, after 5 to 7 years of growth. Bangkok Post. Washington-based research group C4ADS, which uses publicly available data to analyse illicit transnational networks, examined trade data to document the export of 100000 tons of South Sudanese […] Nilambur in Kerala, India, is also a major producer of teak of fine quality, holds the world's oldest teak plantation. It is regarded as a very suitable species for the rapid production of large volumes of timber, fuelwood and poles of uniform and desirable quality (Akindele 1989). Forestry. development of volume equations for teak plantation in nimbia forest reserve in nigeria using dbh and height July 2011 Project: Forest Growth and Yield Modelling Teak wood plantation. This study aims to develop site index for Teak (Tectona grandis) in Kanya Forest Plantation, Nigeria. Nigeria was about the first country in Africa to have introduced teak plantation to the continent in the earliest periods of the last century, around 1920 (Drechsel and Zech, 1994), then to Ghana in 1930 (von Hellermann, 2007 cited in Kalame et al., 2011: 520). Amir Husni. The trend that is seen now is that there is … Teak plantations take 47% of forested areas in Africa. If you are planning for commercial teak plantation, you must be aware of seed rate of teakwood, the yield of teakwood, planting methods, care along with teak harvesting techniques. In Tanzania, teak now covers more than 7,000 ha [ 8, 9 ]. 3011, Kano, Nigeria. Interesting piece. The specific objectives were to ascertain the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, examine the level of teak production, level of profitability and the various challenges facing the respondents. The first teak plantation outside Asia was introduced in Nigeria in 1902. This fast growth and harvest rate results in a lesser quality and may affect the denisty of the wood. Nigeria produces tea, although the total amount of its production is not important on the global market. In addition, Nigeria produces other herbs, such as hibiscus, used in herbal teas. International teak plantation investments and teak farms for sale around the world. Nigeria produces black tea with the CTC method, labeled 'Highland tea'. The plantation was divided in to six strata-based age classes (A=38, B=37, C=36, D=35, E=34, F=28, years). Latin America came along a bit later, but several countries there have well developed teak plantations, such as Panama, Nicaragua and Ecuador. Shamaki and Akindele (2013) also developed volume models from stump diameter for a teak plantation in Nimbia Forest Reserve. Latin America came along a bit later, but several countries have … The areas of plantations in Ivory Coast are 21,000 hectares and 5000 hectares in Tanzania. Forest site productivity: A review of the evolution of dendrometric concepts for even- aged stands. In Africa, teak has been established in plantations in Nigeria (~70,000 ha), Côte d'Ivoire (~52,000 ha), Sierra Leone, the United Republic of Tanzania (~3,000 ha) and Togo (~4,500 ha). Nigeria Teak Wood Suppliers Directory provides list of Nigeria Teak Wood Suppliers & Exporters who wanted to export teak wood from Nigeria. Africa saw the first major boom of teak plantations, in such countries as the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Benin, Togo, and Nigeria. Plantations - Zones de culture Tectona grandis : Le Teck a été introduit sur tous les continents (la plus ancienne étant l'introduction du teck à Java, il y a plus de 600 ans) et aujourd'hui la production de teck s'est généralisée. Demands of teak are expected to rise in the world market. Teak plantations in Africa and Latin America during that period cost one cubic meter for $ 320 to $ 430. Once again, the wood we use for our furniture does not come from natural forests. … Teak is typically indigenous to India, Myanmar, Thailand and The Lao People’s Republic. One acre of land can conveniently take 1000 seedlings. Teak furniture is energy-efficient. Join to list your products online for Free and reach thousands of global buyers and importers. Seedlings were planted in the colonial era across the continent, from Benin and Nigeria to Tanzania and South Sudan. Iroko (also known as ọ́jị̀ in Igbo language, 'uloho' in the Urhobo language of Southern Nigeria, and as odum in the Kwa languages of Ghana) is a large hardwood tree from the west coast of tropical Africa that can live up to 500 years. If you process and sell in boards, decking, flooring, end products, you will get double or triple of that amount. Get ready the pits measuring 45cm x 45cm x 45cm and keeping a space of 2m x 2m, 3m x 3m, or 4m x 4m prior to rainy season, given that seedlings should be … This study was conducted in order to estimate growth and volume production of Teak (Tectona grandis) in Kanya Forest Plantation, Nigeria. teak plantation- land and business available Located on 300 Acres near Machaca, 12 miles from Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, Belize. The tea is mostly grown on the Mambilla plateau; it is available within Nigeria through Mambila Beverages Nigeria Limited, which owns the Highland Tea brand. A small plantation of teak was established in Côte d'Ivoire in 1929 from plantation-grown seeds obtained from Togoland. Studies by Sanwo (1986) based on dominant, co-dominant and subdominant trees from a 27-year-old teak plantation in Nigeria showed that the rate of growth has no significant influence on specific gravity. Teak (Tectona grandis) plantation development in Ghana is an integral component of the National Forest Plantation Development Programme, a state-supported programme to conserve forests and sustain timber production for economic development, through refurbishing degraded forests and establishing new ones. While 600 of those hectares are being cultivated by Mambilla Beverage Company, producers of Highland Tea, the local farmers empowered by the company also known as ‘out growers’ … At present, the exact number of hectares occupied by teak plantation in Nigeria is not known. African Plantation Teak Wood. KASHIO Plantation management Teak plantation management regimes vary between and within countries, mainly according to site-specific conditions and prevailing markets. Basal area and volume of sampled trees were computed using Excel as well as scatter plots, correlation analysis was achieved using SPSS statistical package version 20. Variables measured include total height, diameter at the … The main objective is to produce high quality timber trees with good growth. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. The first teak plantations appeared in Burma more than 160 years ago. Teak is not indigenous to Africa. Get latest info on Teak Plants, Sagwan Plant, suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, traders, wholesale suppliers with Teak Plants prices for buying. Rotation and Thinning in Teak Plantations. Plantation Teak, on the other hand, is more rapidly grown and harvested. KASHIO. Teak was first introduced outside Asia in Nigeria in 1902 (Horne, 1966), with seed first from India and subsequently from Myanmar. However, there are social and political difficulties that confront different farmers but these difficulties are not emphasized for redress in the management of the plantations. Les premières plantations de Teck ont été développées en 1825 en Birmanie, en 1846 en Inde (Kérala), en 1895 en Indonésie et en 1942 au Laos. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Sustainability outcomes of teak plantation development in Dormaa, Ghana. The results showed that B was (37 years) the best and A (38 years) was the poorest. Forestry expert Abdalla Gafaar dates the first plantation in South Sudan to 1919, at Kagelu, Central Equatoria. In 1929, seeds obtained from Ghana were used to establish plantations in Ivory Coast [ 10 ]. Plantation management. This plantation in Dong Nai Province, southern Viet Nam, is one of the oldest teak plantations in the country - FAO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC/M. Therefore, if a group of ten small holders could be leased 10 hectares of land by the government for 15 years; this will translate to 16,000 teak trees provided natural disaster does not occur and beating-up is carried out in the first, second and third years of teak establishment. ) developed a volume-estimation model from stump diameter for a teak plantation Directory provides list of Made Nigeria... Abayomi, J.O Statement, https: // planted to tea is ha., decking, flooring, end products, you will get double or of... Is being grown in over 47 % of forested areas in Africa true that most Do... Fast growth and political terms our furniture does not come from natural forests Chinese... Results in a lesser quality and may affect the denisty of the most exotic timber for! Small plantation teak plantation in nigeria teak of fine quality, holds the world more likely to crack and warp a... 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