2006. However, the limited horizontal resolution of airborne-derived point clouds (~1 m) prevents the direct extraction of ground elevation and vegetation height if not coupled with other data sources, such as RGB or hyperspectral images. There, are no reliable estimates of this value for coral reefs. 4-1). of the different methods and their application. Assign-, ing a value to these three mangrove ecosystem services, has been conducted for Thailand by Barbier (2007), who, compared the net economic returns per hectare to. 2006. "The protective value of estuarine and coastal ecosystems" published on 27 Jun 2014 by Edward Elgar Publishing. Given the rate and scale at which ECEs are disappearing worldwide, assessing and valuing the ecological services of these systems are critically important for improving their management and for designing better policies. 2002. These studies tend to be based on hypothetical situations, comparing current situations to that if the protective values were destroyed. 2005. But, if ‘‘final’’ services do involve any human inputs, the, changes in these services affect human welfare, after, controlling for the influence of these additional human-, provided goods and services. For instance, the change could be in, the spatial area or quality of a particular type of ECE, habitat, such as a mangrove forest, marsh vegetation, or, sand dune extent. For example, Polasky, and Segerson (2009:412) state: ‘‘We adopt a broad, definition of the term ecosystem services that includes, both intermediate and final services,’’ which they justify, by explaining that ‘‘supporting services, in economic, terms, are akin to the infrastructure that provides the, necessary conditions under which inputs can be usefully, combined to provide intermediate and final goods and, services of value to society.’’ Thus, unlike Boyd and, Banzhaf (2007), Polasky and Segerson (2009) consider, Economists do agree that, in order to determine, society’s willingness to pay for the benefits provided by, ecosystem goods and services, one needs to measure and. the standard techniques that are available to economists. knowledge of the important ecosystem processes, functions, and controlling components that are vital to, this service. What is the current state of progress in integrating knowledge about the “Ecological production function”.3. Those. Certainly, the various economic values of ECEs should be incorporated into policy decisions that are currently determining the major human drivers of ecological change, such as ecosystem conversion and degradation, resource overexploitation, pollution, and water diversion. This results in direct and indirect impacts that are often unpredictable across spatial and temporal scales. 2006. Such a plan should contain the following features. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. Sandy beaches and dunes occur at all latitudes on earth and cover roughly 34% of the world's ice‐free coastlines (Hardisty 1994). 2003, Kriesel and Landry 2004). A. Gill, A. 2006). Generating value in habitat-dependent. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. In sum, allowing for the connectivity of ECE habitats may have important implications for assessing the ecological functions underling key ecosystems services, such as coastal protection, control of erosion, and habitat–fishery linkages. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 31:499–. (2002) estimate the benefits arising from a wide range of ecosystem services provided by the Peconic Estuary in Long Island, New York, USA. We review the main ecological services across a variety of ECEs, including marshes, mangroves, nearshore coral reefs, Ecological issues and, the trades in live reef fishes. Foredunes can vary in height and width, and thus their ability to attenuate waves, depending on the presence of vegetation and sand supply from the beach (Hesp 1989; Hacker et al., in press). Coral reefs under rapid, climate change and ocean acidification. 2003. Bell, F. W. 1997. To keep the summary table, short, we selected only one valuation estimate as a, representative example. Towards a more robust approach for the restoration of mangroves in Vietnam. Ecosystem services as a common, language for coastal ecosystem-based management. 2002. Valuing beach access and width with revealed, and stated preference data. This includes, marshes, mangroves, nearshore coral tion. Third, where possible, we cited estimates of, economic values arising from each service, and identified, those services where there is no reliable estimate of an, economic value. Mapping ecosystem, functions to the valuation of ecosystem services: implications. In selecting estimates, in producing recreational benefits, it is therefore, important to consider only those valuation estimates, that assess the effects of changes in the ECE habitat on, the tourism and recreation benefits, but not the, additional influence of any human inputs. Duarte, editors. The various nonmarket valuation, methods employed for ecosystem services are essentially. Environment and Devel-, Pagiola, S., K. von Ritter, and J. Bishop. Lui, P. L.-F., P. Lynett, H. Fernando, B. E. Jaffe, F. Fritz, B. Higman, R. Morton, J. Goff, and C. Synolakis. conservation. services: toward better environmental decision making. The exploitation of living resources in these highly resilient and productive ecosystems has been providing livelihood to humans since ancient times [3,6,7]. 2009. the presence of foreshore habitats, such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, and dunes. These ocean and coastal ecosystems also provide many important non-market services including subsistence food provisioning, health benefits, shoreline protection, climate regulation, conservation of marine biodiversity, and preservation of cultural heritage. 2006, Halpern et, al. Our review of economic values of key ecosystem services for five estuarine and coastal ecosystems (coral reefs, seagrass beds, salt marshes, mangroves, and sand beaches and dunes) reveals that progress has been made in estimating these benefits for some systems and services, but much work remains. Hurricanes. These include (1) their use by local, coastal communities for a variety of products, such as, fuel wood, timber, raw materials, honey and resins, and, crabs and shellfish; (2) their role as nursery and breeding, September 2009 Carbon Emission Reduction (CER) price of the European Emission Trading System (ETS) of, habitats for offshore fisheries; and (3) their propensity to, serve as natural ‘‘coastal storm barriers’’ to periodic, wind and wave or storm surge events, such as tropical, storms, coastal floods, typhoons, and tsunamis. For example, there is now sufficient evidence to suggest that some services, such as coastal protection and habitat–fishery linkages, are not uniform across a coastal seascape. Norms and the willingness to pay for coastal ecosystem restoration: A case of the Tokyo Bay intertidal flats. As, a rough indication of this value, expenditures for field, supplies, and diving equipment amount to $32–, in Bohol Marine Triangle, the Philippines, Despite the numerous economic benefits coral reefs, provide, reef ecosystems are under threat of irrevocable, decline worldwide from a suite of anthropogenic, stressors. Ecological Economics 29:215–233. Submesoscale Eddy and Frontal Instabilities in the Kuroshio Interacting With a Cape South of Taiwan. to spawn (Layman and Silliman 2002, Nagelkerken et al. yr−1 as an approximate indicator of this benefit for mangroves. condujo, en la práctica, a cambios reales en los sistemas de gestión. 2009). Finally, where appropriate, ecological restoration of, key ECEs should be encouraged. 2008. Spatial and temporal modeling of beach use: a case, study of East Anglia, U.K. Coastal Management 37:94, Cornelisen, C. D., and F. I. Thomas. example, wave attenuation by coral reefs, seagrass beds, salt marshes, mangroves, and sand dunes provi, protection against wind and wave damage caused by, coastal storm and surge events, but the magnitude of, protection will vary spatially across the extent of these, habitats (Barbier et al. Restoration of ecosystem. University of California, Heslenfeld, P., P. D. Jungerius, and J. A brown-world cascade in the dung decomposer food web of an alpine meadow: Appendices and Supplements are available online at, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071 USA, Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA, Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge, Maryland 21613 USA, Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 USA, number of critical benefits, or ecosystem services. The direct economic benefits of a community-based reforestation project, Marine ecosystem appropriation in the Indo-Pacific: A case study of the live reef fish food trade, Simulation estimates of annual yield and landed value for commercial Panaeid prawns from a tropical seagrass habitat, Northern Queensland, Australia, Total economic value of wetland conservation in Sri Lanka: identifying use and non-use value, Accelerating loss of seagrasses across the globe threatens coastal ecosystems, Philippine coral reefs under threat: the economic losses caused by reef destruction, Valuing beach access and width with revealed and stated preference data. In tropical areas, vegetation in coastal systems, such as mangroves but also seagrasses, has relatively constant biomass throughout the year, so the coastal protection service is relatively unaffected by seasonal or temporal variability. Hardisty, J. Field-based decadal wave attenuating capacity of combined tidal flats and salt marshes. All content in this area was uploaded by Adrian C Stier on Dec 20, 2017, The value of estuarine and coastal ecosystem services, The underpinnings of the relationship of species richness with space and time, Stability, resilience, and phase shifts in r, Modeling plant ranges over 75 years of climate c, Broadscale variability in tree data of the historical Public Land Survey and its consequences for, Successful invaders co-opt pollinators of native flora and accumulate insect pollinators with increasing. Ecological, economic modeling of coral reefs: evaluating tourist overuse. We do not attempt to quantify the. Salt marshes are transitional wetlands placed between ocean and land, which act as natural defenses against coastal hazards. However, economists recommend that the replacement cost approach should be used with caution because, first, one is essentially estimating a benefit (e.g., storm protection) by a cost (e.g., the costs of constructing seawalls, groins, and other structures), and second, the human‐built alternative is rarely the most cost‐effective means of providing the service (Ellis and Fisher 1987, Barbier 1994, 2007, Freeman 2003, NRC 2005). benefits, the synergistic relationships of ECEs across seascapes, and management implications. The next Sumatera tsunami: Who will live and who will die? Spalding, M. D., F. Blasco, and C. D. Field. 1992. It should be recognized, however, that ex post ecological restoration is no panacea for failed conservation. Ruitenbeek, H. J. There are two ways in which current economic studies of ECE services are incorporating such synergies. shores protected by reef flats: examples from the Seychelles. 2008. Water purification, or the increase in water clarity, by, seagrasses occurs via two processes: nutrient uptake and, suspended particle deposition. Silliman, B. R., J. van de Koppel, M. D. Bertness, L. Stanton, and I. Mendelsohn. Second edition. ammonium and nitrate uptake in a seagrass community. Mangrove-fishery linkages: the Malaysian. However, the majority of other key ECE services do, not lead to marketed outputs. Juvenile coral reef fish often inhabit mangroves, but the importance of these nurseries to reef fish population dynamics has not been quantified. fishes that likely utilize different ECEs. culture, urban areas and industry need to be monitored, Third, in many developing countries, the current legal, framework and formal institutional structures of ECEs, and resource management do not allow local coastal, communities any legal rights to establish and enforce, control over the ECE goods and services on which the, livelihoods of these communities depend. Economic valuation methods to value changes in services in terms of Impacts on human welfare. The value of estuarine and coastal ecosystem services Author(s) Barbier, EB; Hacker, SD; Kennedy, C; Koch, EW; Stier, AC; Silliman, BR Year. 2006. Marine Triangle, the Philippines (Samonte-Tan et al. As waves reach the shoreline they are attenuated by the beach slope and, at high tide, also by the foredune, a structure immediately behind the beach where sand accumulates in hills or ridges parallel to the shoreline. 1999). Eco-hydrological, evidence indicates that this protection service is based on, the ability of mangroves to attenuate waves and thus, reduce storm surges (Mazda et al. 2001. Environmental, Bateman, I. J., and I. H. Langford. local communities. from tsunamis, and responses to global climate change. The U.S. Coastal dunes: ecology, David Pearce, editor. Se observaron efectos importantes de forzantes externos afectando a los sistemas pesqueros a diferentes escalas de espacio y tiempo, tales como el clima, los mercados, la acuicultura y la inestabilidad y fragilidad en los sistemas de gobernanza. Aquatic Botany. Environmental Conservation, Warren-Rhodes, K., Y. Sadovy, and H. Cesar. In, addition, more attention needs to be paid to how these, services vary across seascapes, as these considerations. full suite of ecosystem services (Palmer and Filoso 2009). Silliman, B. R., and A. Bortolus. The commercial value of these, fisheries can be significant for some economies. For example, during the, significantly reduced the number of deaths as well as. 2002, Mumby et al. Human drivers of ecosystem, functions and their controlling components. tourism, recreation, education, and research (Table 4). y la anchoíta Engraulis anchoita en Argentina; el camarón siete barbas Xiphopenaeus Graham, N. A. J., S. K. Wilson, S. Jennings, N. V. C. Polunin, J. Robinson, J. P. Bijoux, and T. M. Daw. 2007. White et al. Finally, we conclude by suggesting an action plan for protecting and/or enhancing the immediate and longer-term values of ECE services. This work is based on intertidal … Marine and Freshwater Research 44:211–219. European, coastal dunes: ecological values, threats, opportunities, and, N. P. Psuty, editors. In recent years, substantial progress has, been made by economists working with ecologists and, valuation methodologies to assess the welfare contribu-, tion of these services. In addition, more attention needs to be paid to how these services vary across seascapes, as these considerations clearly matter to managing estuarine, coastal, and inshore marine environments (Granek et al. Nutrient dynamics in seagrass ecosystems. skin cancer. Models of beach, visitors in East Anglia, UK, reveal that seasonal, differences are important. Detection of local-scale population declines through optimized tidal marsh bird monitoring design. 'The value of estuarine and coastal ecosystem services' Add to My Bookmarks Export citation. Multiscale experiments in coastal, ecology: improving realism and advancing theory. Proceedings of the National, distribution of marine fishes along a cross-shelf gradient, containing a continuum of mangrove-seagrass-coral reefs off, southwestern Puerto Rico. Ecological restoration (ER) is an active strategy recently used in marine ecosystems. Edward B. Barbier 1997). Another unique feature of ECEs is that they occur at the interface between the coast, land, and watersheds, which also make them especially valuable. nutrient cycling and transfer services of coral reefs. Variations of dissimilatory nitrate reduction processes along reclamation chronosequences in Chongming Island, China. The value of salt, marsh edge versus interior as habitat for fish and decapods. Abstract Coral reefs are important coastal ecosystems for both humans and marine species due to the diversity of ecosystem services they provide. Because of the anoxic nature of the, marsh soils (as in most wetlands), carbon sequestered by, salt marsh plants during photosynthesis is often shifted, from the short-term carbon cycle (10–100 years) to the, long-term carbon cycle (1000 years) as buried, slowly, decaying biomass in the form of peat (Mitsch and, Gosselink 2008, Mayor and Hicks 2009). The table indicates representative examples of, the values of some of these services, where they are. Spalding, M. D., M. Taylor, C. Ravilious, F. Short, and E. Green. As our review highlights how ECEs, globally are endangered by a wide range of human, drivers of change, it will be important that future studies, assess all the use and nonuse values that arise from, ecosystem goods and services to determine whether it is. These typically, range from tourism and recreation benefits to coastal, protection, erosion control, nutrient cycling, water, purification, and carbon sequestration to food and, raw-material products. Finally, we finish by highlighting the, main management implications of this review of ECE, services and their benefits, and provide an ‘‘action plan’’, to protect and/or enhance their immediate and longer, In identifying the ecosystem services provided by, natural environments, a common practice is to adopt the, broad definition of the Millennium Ecosystem Assess-, ment (MEA 2005) that ‘‘ecosystem services are the, benefits people obtain from ecosystems.’’ Thus, the term, ‘‘ecosystem services’’ is usually interpreted to imply the, contribution of nature to a variety of ‘‘goods and, services,’’ which in economics would normally, classified under three different categories (Barbier, ecosystems, such as resource harvests, water, and genetic, material), (2) ‘‘services’’ (e.g., recreational and tourism, benefits or certain ecological regulatory and habitat. and shoreface morphodynamics. 2007). 2003. Lag effects. Pages 173–203, A. D. Short, editor. Morgan, P. A., D. M. Burdick, and F. T. Short. 2008. the billions (Wilkinson et al. Human, impacts on salt marshes: a global perspective. Hawaiian economy (Cesar and van Beukering 2004). Microbial community dynamics and coexistence in a sulfide-driven phototrophic bloom. Philippines. 2009. Coral mortality increases wave energy reaching. The interested reader, should consult these references for a comprehensive, discussion of economic nonmarket valuation methods. oysters, clams, and fishes (Boesch and Turner 1984, MacKenzie and Dionne 2008). However, there are no, reliable estimates on the value of beaches and dunes as a, Dunes that encourage vegetation growth and produc-, tivity will also assist in carbon sequestration, although. 2010; Hacker et al., in press). 2004. Resorts depend on the aesthet-. 2007, Stockdon et al. Valuation of coastal habitat support for offshore, fisheries increasingly indicates that the value of this, service varies spatially because the quality of the habitat, is greater at the seaward edge or ‘‘fringe’, ecosystem than further inland (Peterson and Turner. In other words, wave attenuation is greatest for the first 100 m of mangroves, but declines as more mangroves are added to the seaward edge. Pages 391–, editor. The world’s mangroves 1980–2005. Watson, R. A., R. G. Coles, and W. L. L. Long. Current rates of mangrove deforestation are likely to have severe deleterious consequences for the ecosystem function, fisheries productivity and resilience of reefs. The new insights thus gained are revealing a complex system of interactions, resonances and feedbacks whereby deposition is but one part of the beach response to changing meteorological, climatic, eustatic and tectonic conditions. Coral Reefs 16:261–, King, S. E., and J. N. Lester. Valuation and evaluation of a mangrove forest in the, Philippines. Valuation of coastal habitat support for offshore fisheries increasingly indicates that the value of this service varies spatially because the quality of the habitat is greater at the seaward edge or “fringe” of the coastal ecosystem than further inland (Peterson and Turner 1994, Manson et al. Manuscript received 5 August 2010; revised 12 October 2010; Such widespread and rapid transformation of ECEs, and their services suggest that it is important to, understand what is at stake in terms of critical benefits, and values. 2009. Para frenar su degradación y potencial pérdida, se han diseñado e implementado estrategias de conservación pasivas y, Marine, coastal and wetland habitats are threatened, not only through exploitation, but also by the prospect of climate change – as ocean currents change course, sea levels rise, and rainfall patterns change. destruction. coastal systems, such as mangroves but also seagrasses, has relatively constant biomass throughout the year, so, the coastal protection service is relatively unaffected by, spatially (i.e., distance from the shoreline) and tempo-, rally (i.e., seasonality). , control of sedimentation, nutrients, and N. V. C. Polunin P.... Some researchers believed that dunes act as seawalls and reflect a significant portion of the Canadian Arctic and other storms... Water that can serve as aquifers for coastal populations ( Carter 1990 ) nautical miles of and! Influenced by such historical viewpoints and/or enhancing the immediate and longer-term values of ECE services should therefore! Aquarium fish trade global loss exceeding 35 % ( ref A. Showler, A. T.,,! And from fishing the impact of ecosystem services, or conversely, how go! Ecosystem valuation can lead to, and J. G. Gosselink G. P. B. Samonte-Tan G.. ( Huang et al Silliman the value of this benefit for mangroves in Vietnam disturbance to wildlife habitat fishing! For distinguishing sandy tsunami and storm events ( Braatz et al destruction in, temperate regions,.! Efficient management of mangrove and coral ecosystems cultural systems of coastlines Kay, S.,... Of species and/or waves lead to Improved restoration success hinders our knowledge on Inner. General, the mangrove trees and canopy provide important habitat for a comprehensive, discussion of economic values by. Individual ecosys-, Washington, D.C., USA harvested in Tanzania, Portugal, J.... 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Bertness, editors, MEA [ Millennium ecosystem ]..., restoration of these projects these goods and services in coastal dunes but, extremely high and! Sciences Apr 2018, 115 ( 14 ) 3518-3520 ; doi: 10.1016/, Mumby, P.,. Recover the ecological characteristics of degraded ecosystems to human well being (,... Alongi, D. R. bellwood, D. Stanwellsmith, W. J. Sutherland in monitoring indicators the value of estuarine and coastal ecosystem services the... Cape South of Taiwan Chemistry to Chemical Ecology specific location, such as dynamite fishing of coral marine. Methane emissions from shallow vegetated coastal habitats contributes about half of the Tokyo Bay intertidal flats estimation of mammalian requirements... And Vent Discharge in a dwarf red mangrove ( Rhizophora mangle ) dieback Douala-Edea reserve Cameroon... Ecological basis for restoration and re- FAO [ food and agricultural Organization of the Canadian Arctic is interconnected! 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